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Powdered Kava Review Santa Cruz


Kava aficionado
{"Grade":10,"Potency":8,"Mind":3,"Body":8,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":4,"Taste":"5","Preparation":"1/3 of a cup kneaded with 600ml of warm water.","Duration":"4-5 hours","SideEffects":"none","Headline":"Surprisingly Smooth!"}
This kava has changed my mind on the Solomon Islands, whereas before I thought they were not my style being strong both in overly sedating effects and nasty taste. This kava has surprised me on both fronts, it's much smoother than most kavas of this caliber, even smoother than the Vanuatu from this vendor. The effects are excellent, it's largely a body centric kava but it feels like the kava takes you on a gentle journey to get you there, where some just slap you in the face on the first shell.