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Second wash question


I like plants
I drink mostly Kalm with Kava cause i'm sensitive to the taste of root....and because I'm not good at kneading.
I decided to give this Tongan Pouni Ono a try lat night. I consumed about 3/4 a cup of Tongan Pouni Ono in three cups of water, about 4 hours after eating. I felt relaxed. It was nice. Finally went to sleep around 11:00. Nothing that knocked my socks off. It was about like me drinking 3 servings of calm with Kava. I drink Kalm usually once or two a week and have been doing this for a couple months.

As for the prep, I kneaded for about 15 min (but it was messy!), and then blended for 4 minutes.
I'm considering a second wash on the shakes. Can I do that the day after? They've been covered and refrigerated.
I think I need to.
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