Kojo Douglas
The Kavasseur
:nodkavalover said:It's not that he was implying that, it's just that salvia has achieved a reputation as one of the primary "legal highs" in the media spotlight, whereas kava has avoided that label for the most part. When a mind altering substance gets a big rep in the public eye, it's bound to become illegal and have the media propagating it as "dangerous". At least here in America. I can't speak for other nations. I see what Vesuvio Cat meant and why he'd get defensive about that. We just want to keep kava away from that "legal high" scene as long as we can. I personally enjoy salvia's wild ride, but based on it's association with the "legal high" crowd, I now live in one of the few states it is not illegal in yet.
The kava bars that have been spreading throughout the USA have been a great voice for kava in the public eye in that they've lessened teen drinking in college areas as well as provided a peaceful and fun hangout of sorts that will never end in a bar-style fight. THAT'S the reputation we want to see going for it