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Kava Enthusiast
I dont know if I just have a bad cold or the flu but regardless I feel like crap. To kava or not to kava that is the question. I'm sure I would feel better mentally but what do you guys think as one should stay well hydrated when sick.


Kava Lover
I've got a gnarly head cold and I'm drinking kava. Isn't really doing much for me. Just feel extra dizzy. Probably better off without it.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Funnily enough I am not feeling 100% today... got a slightly runny nose, slightly sore throat and just not feeling completely well. I didn't think much of it earlier so I'm most of the way into a 6 tbsp. Ono session and it's definitely making me feel weird. I think I'm going to stop now, eat something and maybe chug the last of it a few hours later to send me off to bed.
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