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I Love Kava Friday Snowless Friday

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
Yay! It poured here for two days straight and finally stopped. I had to pull over the other day on the way to work because it was raining so hard that I couldn't see the road. It also doesn't help that my driveway is dirt and the water piles up and turns into mud and a car swallowing river.


Kava Vendor
I got my work vehicle stuck a few days ago doing some field work. Luckily a gent on the job site towed me out and saved me from calling the office to get towed lol.
I spent 30 years in Northeast PA. I could care less if I ever saw snow again or weather below freezing. Wish I was on an island with sun, sea breezes, and shells, lots of shells!


Kava Vendor
I am starting to think of how many aluball's worth of root instead of how many tablespoons of root when I explain a measurement to someone.


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah, because two tablespoons is...almost full. And, who stops there?! It's like who uses the throttle on the lawn mower? Full Aluball, and full throttle on the mower! :)


Kava Vendor
Exactly I keep getting better and better at over-filling the aluball. How tall a triangle mound can I fill in the center above the rim but low enough to screw the lid on without spillage. I may start using a small funnel for aluball mound work. Yes, sadly, these are the things that go through my mind.
And who else does the side tap? You get some root on the outside rim so you put the lid next to it and lightly tap tap the bottom so that root falls into the lid. Then cover it.
Waste not, want not.