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Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
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So, for some reason, some people are up-in-arms because a white guy was cast to play 2000's era Michael Jackson.
The choice seems quite clear to me. Anyway, now I'm noticing this meme going around that mocks the choice by showing a picture of Samuel L Jackson that says "Steve Jobs: Starring Samuel L Jackson". Ridiculous comparison, of course, but some people are eating it up.

I propose that Micheal Jackson would make a better choice to play Steve Jobs, and no one would make a race issue out of it if he did. I also made this:


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Michael Jackson was white himself. Why would that be an issue? Johnny Depp would do a good job probably.

And Samuel L Jackson would be great to play Steve Jobs: A ruthless, scorched-earth persona. He would be perfect, actually.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
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Michael Jackson was white himself. Why would that be an issue? Johnny Depp would do a good job probably.

And Samuel L Jackson would be great to play Steve Jobs: A ruthless, scorched-earth persona. He would be perfect, actually.
The persona could definitely fit. I could actually see someone do casting like that, for some indie art flick, trying to make a social statement. But If I hired you to paint me a portrait of Michael Jackson, and it came out looking like Sam Jackson, you would have failed at your job, wouldn't you have?


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The persona could definitely fit. I could actually see someone do casting like that, for some indie art flick, trying to make a social statement. But If I hired you to paint me a portrait of Michael Jackson, and it came out looking like Sam Jackson, you would have failed at your job, wouldn't you have?
If you hire me to paint a portrait of anyone, I will assuredly fail, lol. Interestingly, Michael Jackson's grandfather was named Samuel Jackson. So if the portrait looked like that Samuel Jackson, it might look something like what an adult Michael would look like without surgery.