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Solomon Island Out of Stock?

kl.JerZ Gurl

Kava Curious
On their homepage they have a tab and a write-up for Solomon Kava. However, when I click the "Buy It" button, it jumps to Fiji Kava. Can anyone reccomend a kava that is similar to Solomon in reducing anxiety and raising euphoria?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Unfortunately Solomon Kava is a unique breed. From what I read in another thread Solomon Kava has been seized by the FDA so there won't be anymore coming in. Probably never again.

You could try a Hawaiian Kava.

kl.JerZ Gurl

Kava Curious
Hi Vekta,

That sucks. I remember reading about the FDA seizing it, but I thought I read that the shippment finally delivered.  I guess I got my threads crossed. (smiley: ohwell) Thanks for the Hawaiian Kava tip.  I will check it out.


Kava Enthusiast

The best hawaiian kava is from paradise kava, shoot them at email at : relax@paradisekava.com, and talked to Adil about ordering some 100% awa, you wont regret it!


Kava Enthusiast
No problem, Paradise kavas awa is going to be my regular kava, its strong enough to provide good effects, but I dont feel it in the morning. 10/10 in my book.