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Squanch Waka initial reaction

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Kava Enthusiast
Thank you BubbaBula and KrunkieMcKrunks for sugesting I give it a try.
Thanks Squanch for tossing in some Lawena for me to try! look forward to that tomorrow!

I've done now just 3 cups at 1tbs each as everywhere I've read it's got a lot of umpf! I commented on reddit the first time it had a bit of a head rush thing going. I had wondered if even 1tbs may have been a bit much! Taste wise is for me it tastes earthy, grassy and a little sweet.
It kicked it pretty quickly seemed like. For me it's almost like Eva. So far I'm finding it nicer to my tummy than Eva was at first.

I tried mixing 1tbs with 3 tbs of Pouni Ono just as an experiment. So far for me that's a nice mix. Squanchy I think it was described it's physical warmth well, as did Deleted User01's description of a kind of a weekend happy place kind of thing. Upbeat silly happy place. Yet a bit relaxed as well As in laughing at random stuff a bit like HanakpiAi leads me to and me to. I was in a weird very rage filled spot, that can be ok for me (weirdly) if that goes to action. I didn't know I could have such raw rage...untill my insurance slackjawed dafadils called to say they (might) reconsider still paying for antidepressents for me, and gee I must be making that up. I don't know how I kept from asking what THEIR on and saying F and U and perhaps they'd rather help me get more work and pay for all my bills. Forunatly I reserved that for a blog and just hung up on that ****** . Wich was particularly infurating because I just had a awesome work out. Got a 'Maybe' for a job as a travel agent. After being turned down for several other things. The last thing I wanted was my **** insurance telling me they can't be bothered to cover any of my doctors and therapists. While that was totall ***** . It did get me motivated to put more work into a NonProffit I want to get going. And also got me energized to go for a 3 mile/4.5-5KM walk.

And now I have a nice case of the gigles and day of retro gaming and sillyTV and or movies to look forward to. Oh and I also have some **** awesome kava to enjoy as well.

lol well maybie sabastian from Little Mermade is right "The humans...their world...it's a mess and their...well just say it is better where it is wetter in the sea!"
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