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Stuck in a pickle


Kava Curious
I use kava sublingualy and will always use rite after a meal since it bypasses the stomach, seems sublingual is stronger eather way but if you perfer to drink it mabby just chew the kava when your stomach is full but you wana krank in @Bert07

Jake o Links

Krunkin with Sasquatch!
I use kava sublingualy and will always use rite after a meal since it bypasses the stomach, seems sublingual is stronger eather way but if you perfer to drink it mabby just chew the kava when your stomach is full but you wana krank in @Bert07
Hey, could you elaberate on your method. I tried putting powdered in a bandit pack (nylon) and chewing/just letting it sit... nothing. Just gagged a few times. It seems I gotta injest it, but there are times and cultivars that this isnt practical. What works for you? are you chewing whole root chunks? thanks in advance.


Kava Curious
I take a spoon full and put it under my young for like 15 min, root powder not whole root I think your problem may be trying to use nylon because for sublingual you kinda need direct contact with the membrain, after 15 min or so swish with water and swallow makeing sure you get all the kavalactones you'll know when you do it rite it's like you can feel the kruncked running down your neck @Jake o Links

Jake o Links

Krunkin with Sasquatch!
I take a spoon full and put it under my young for like 15 min, root powder not whole root I think your problem may be trying to use nylon because for sublingual you kinda need direct contact with the membrain, after 15 min or so swish with water and swallow makeing sure you get all the kavalactones you'll know when you do it rite it's like you can feel the kruncked running down your neck @Jake o Links
gonna try that there soon!