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The One Thing You Wish Everyone Knew About Kava


Kava Enthusiast
It depends entirely on whether you classify distinct dialects as languages. I just say a few. I did once buy a car manufactured in France, so I am disqualified from "intelligent." Languages are less an achievement or talent or skill than a knack, I think, like making horses feel at ease. I can't whistle or do a zillion other things people have the knack for that I wish I could do. Like I say, lots of people here speak lots of languages, nothing special about me. Not in this context, anyway. I'm probably dumber than most.
You're too humble. I think it's more than a knack. It's not like being able to whistle. You have to put in a lot of effort into memorizing and using all new words. I think if anything it shows that you are tenacious even though I still think it takes some intelligence. :)