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Kava Recipe The perfect brownie for a kava session


Thanks! I'm going to try this recipe sometime. I once had a piece of chocolate about 30 min before a session, same dose as normal, approx 2 tbs, but the resulting effect was on another level. Never really been able to replicate the experience but dark chocolate does seem to have some sort of synergistic effect, at least with me.
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Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Thanks! I'm going to try this recipe sometime. I once had a piece of chocolate about 30 min before a session, same dose as normal, approx 2 tbs, but the resulting effect was on another level. Never really been able to replicate the experience but dark chocolate does seem to have some sort of synergistic effect, at least with me.
Proper dark chocolate is really high in fat so that must have something to do with that.


Kava Enthusiast
I thought the brownies would be coming from Colorado. Chocolate almond milk is a must for me. Especially when I'm drinking some stone or something that peppery. 6-7 years ago I used to get some incredibly strong/nasty tasting but crazy strong efforts kava, it probably was tuddi. The farmer that sold it didn't even know what strain it was, but it had that dark almost moist constancy of a Solomon. I got it it from a friend that imported cheep, think it was $20 a lb. It was so bad tasting he couldn't drink it any more, so I bought all of his last order. I had that for a few years. I almost got to the point where it would make me gag from the taste, until I started the chocolate milk. Than I had the problem of over doing it and getting supper krunk