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The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder

That's right, kava lovers. We've done it! That weekend is just on the horizon and for many of us that means it's an entire 3 days!

You know what I'll be doing, and I hope you all have an excellent, relaxed, or productive weekend.



Kava Enthusiast
Bula! I'm excited to drink the last of my Borogu this weekend. I plan to have some tomorrow after my early-morning job interview. I also thankfully work Friday, Saturday, and Monday this weekend - so I have a 3 day of my own going on! I have some rebrews left to carry me through - hopefully - until my order of Malo Tonga && Santa Cruz from FVK comes in early next week. What a great deal, 2lbs of high quality kava for $76! Well, with paychecks as humble as mine, I wouldn't be getting kava at all without the deals, so thank you to vendors who still offer them.

On my rebrews, they have a little Nambawan, Squanch, and Borogu in them, so when boiled, a bit of green foam rises to the top--check it out! IMG_20240829_190550461.jpg IMG_20240829_145101849.jpg IMG_20240829_200814486.jpg
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