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I Love Kava Friday THREE. DAY. WEEKEND.


Kava Enthusiast
Bula! Gorgeous weather right now! following an unseasonally hot week, it's pleasant and breezy and still bright and sunny, great weather for some LoLoMa Waka, got the ol' Squanch ordered today anyways. I'm out of the Santaaa Cruuuz save for rebrews. I really drank the heck out of that kava during the circle! Did you notice? Great kava, in ninety minutes I was laid to bed haha. Big bowl of Santa Cruz will do the trick for me. I'm heading for a walk. May have photos!



Kava aficionado
Excited for the three days, I have some Vanuatu, gardening, naps and much much more to look forward to :D

Hope everyone gets out and enjoy these days to the fullest..before it's 100 ::KavaChug::