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Traditionally prepared food or supplement in 2025


How are kava bars in the other states allowed to serve it if it is a supplement? My understanding was that in 2025 it is now considered a food by fda if served traditionally. Is that incorrect?
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Kava aficionado
How are kava bars in the other states allowed to serve it if it is a supplement? My understanding was that in 2025 it is now considered a food by fda if served traditionally. Is that incorrect?
I'll tag the far more knowledgeable people to take your questions from here on this subject.

@Rooted_Socialite - Kava bar owner (On the forefront of all this).
@Alia - Kava expert, grower & Collector.
@The Kap'n - KF Founder and he may as well have a PhD on kava by now, with over 700 research papers on everything kava.


'Awa Grower/Collector
How are kava bars in the other states allowed to serve it if it is a supplement? My understanding was that in 2025 it is now considered a food by fda if served traditionally. Is that incorrect?
It is true that in 2023 the FDA has written the attached which shows "kava tea" (kava infused with water, strained) is conventional food. The attached was obtained via FIOA and it is the FDA replying to an inquiry by US Representative Ed Case of Hawai'i. His assistant, Nick Luna. Some venders still label their kava powder as dietary supplement, but I think that is so to make labeling requirements easier. I add the State of Hawai'i Dept. of Health (DoH) GRAS for 'Awa because it is a really good, historic read when you start to scroll through the attachments to that State of Hawai'i Document. Interesting reading. The State of Michigan also has a GRAS designation for traditional kava. That Memorandum is a fascinating read and is herein contained within the State of Hawai'i DoH attachments.

