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Kava Science Uncovering the Secrets of Kavalactone Binding to the GABA-A Receptor: A Molecular Docking Approach Tentative


Kava Curious
As I stated before, I’m a young doctor specialized in molecular modeling. In this post, we will explore how molecular docking can be used to search for the binding site of kavalactones that are known to interact with the GABA-A receptor in the brain [1] but have no specific binding site discovered yet. By simulating the interaction between kavalactones and the receptor, molecular docking can help to identify the most likely binding site and orientation of the compounds.

1. The GABAergic transmission

GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmissions are crucial for brain function. GABA inhibits/slow down neuronal activity and is important for relaxation, sleep, and anxiety regulation. Glutamate excites/speed up neuronal activity and is important for learning, memory, and cognitive processing. The balance between the two is essential for brain health; an imbalance can lead to neurological and psychiatric disorders such as epilepsy, anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.
There are two types of GABA receptors in the central nervous system (figure 1): GABA-A and GABA-B receptors. GABA-A receptors are ionotropic receptors that directly control the flow of ions into and out of the cell and are responsible for the majority of fast inhibitory neurotransmission. GABA-B receptors are metabotropic receptors that indirectly control ion channels through intracellular signaling pathways and are responsible for slower and more prolonged inhibitory neurotransmission. The different properties and distributions of these receptors allow them to play distinct roles in the regulation of brain activity and the maintenance of overall neurological health. Here, we will focus on the GABA-A receptor.

Figure 1: Overview of the GABA cycle.

2. The GABA-A receptor

The GABA-A receptor is composed of five protein subunits that come together to form a functional receptor complex. These subunits can be drawn from a variety of different gene families and can combine in many different ways to form a diverse array of receptor subtypes. In general, the receptor complex contains two alpha subunits, two beta subunits, and one gamma subunit, although there can be some variability in the exact subunit composition depending on the specific subtype of the receptor (figure 2).

Figure 2: The GABA-A receptor is a pentameric ion channel.

Here I will work on an experimental structure of the GABA-A receptor that was published in 2018 [2] (pdb: 6D6U), which was obtained using a cutting-edge imaging technique called cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). This technique allows researchers to visualize the structure of large macromolecules, such as receptors, at high resolution by freezing them in a thin layer of ice and imaging them with an electron microscope. By having access to the coordinates of the atoms in the molecule, it is possible to use visualization software to directly observe the protein structure, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Visualization of the GABA-A receptor structure.

The structure was generated in the presence of both GABA and flumazenil, which provides an opportunity to identify the specific locations of the two orthosteric binding sites (where GABA binds to activate the ion channel) and the benzodiazepine allosteric binding site (where flumazenil binds to facilitate the opening of the channel by GABA), shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Top-view of the orthosteric and allosteric site of the GABA-A receptor.

Flumazenil is a benzodiazepine antagonist that blocks the activity of benzodiazepines by competing for their binding site. Interestingly, the inhibitory effect of kavalactones on the GABA-A receptor is not affected by flumazenil, indicating that if kavalactones do bind to the receptor, they must do so at a different site. The question then becomes: where exactly do kavalactones bind to the GABA-A receptor if not at the benzodiazepine site or the orthosteric site?

3. Molecular docking

To identify the binding sites of the six kavalactones that show GABAergic activity on the GABA-A receptor, I plan to use blind molecular docking simulations. For this, I will employ a novel docking approach that uses deep learning algorithms to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the simulations, allowing for more precise predictions of the binding locations and orientations of the kavalactones [3]. Additionally, I will dock GABA and flumazenil as negative controls to confirm that they bind to their known binding sites on the GABA-A receptor.

Figure 5 (left) shows that the molecular docking simulations were able to identify the flumazenil binding pocket on the GABA-A receptor, although the predicted binding pose was inverted. In contrast, Figure 5 (right) demonstrates that the molecular docking simulations successfully identified the correct binding site and orientation of GABA on the GABA-A receptor.

Figure 5: Best docking poses for flumazenil and GABA.

As depicted in Figure 6, the molecular docking simulations revealed that all of the kavalactones docked to the benzodiazepine allosteric binding site on the GABA-A receptor. It is noteworthy that the findings from the molecular docking simulations contradict the experimental evidence that kavain does not bind to the benzodiazepine GABA-A receptor allosteric binding site [4]. Molecular docking simulations have several limitations, such as the inability to consider protein flexibility, solvent effects, and the role of dynamics in ligand binding. These limitations could potentially account for the discrepancy between the molecular docking results and experimental evidence regarding the lack of kavain binding to the GABA-A receptor benzodiazepine allosteric binding site. Therefore, while molecular docking simulations can be a useful tool for identifying putative binding sites and orientations, the results should always be interpreted with caution and corroborated by additional experimental evidence.

Figure 6: Docking best poses for all kavain analogs.

While the exact location of the GABA-A receptor binding site for kavain and its analogs remains a mystery, I hope you found this information intriguing and thought-provoking. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

1. Singh, Y. N. & Singh, N. N. Therapeutic Potential of Kava in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. CNS Drugs 16, 731–743 (2002).

2. Zhu, S. et al. Structure of a human synaptic GABAA receptor. Nature 559, 67–72 (2018).

3. Corso, G., Stärk, H., Jing, B., Barzilay, R. & Jaakkola, T. DiffDock: Diffusion Steps, Twists, and Turns for Molecular Docking. Preprint at https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.01776 (2023).

4. Chua, H. C. et al. Kavain, the Major Constituent of the Anxiolytic Kava Extract, Potentiates GABAA Receptors: Functional Characteristics and Molecular Mechanism. PLOS ONE 11, e0157700 (2016).


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Kava Synchronized
This really starts to get explicit: "the molecular docking simulations revealed that all of the kavalactones docked to the benzodiazepine allosteric binding site on the GABA-A receptor. " It would be interesting to get @verticity's take on this. Thanks so much for this modeling! Tantalizing...
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Kava Curious
As mentioned, molecular docking simulation is an approximate tool for identifying a binding site, as it doesn't take into account the flexibility of the binding site. To give some numbers, classical docking score have a correlation of about 0.25 with experimental values. But the strength of docking, even with this low predictive accuracy, is its speed, to identify the "hits" for a protein target in a database that can contain more than a billion molecules (big pharma love this)! In our case, the fact that the starting structure was flumazenil bound could have biased the docking simulations by creating a "hole" that is not there in reality before the binding of the flumazenil. Indeed, more than keys and locks, most protein binding sites are flexible and adapt to their ligands.

In our case, classical molecular dynamics simulations would be an interesting "in silico" experiment to find the binding site of kavain in the GABA-A receptor by taking into account both ligand and protein flexibility. We can model the ion channel in its membrane in a water box with a kavain molecule floating in water. Then, using Newton's second law, molecular dynamics simulations allow to follow the dynamic evolution of the system, a bit like a video at atomic resolution. We can then hope that the kavain finds its binding site without intervention, just based on the structural information given by the experimental structure of the receptor. It is a simple but elegant process that we did recently in our team to find a binding site in another ion channel, but this is quite a computationally expensive task.

I'm quite pleased that my enthusiasm is shared here and I thank you for that :D This will push me to try others in silico experiments and show more structural pictures relative to these mysterious kavalactones.


'Awa Grower/Collector
As mentioned, molecular docking simulation is an approximate tool for identifying a binding site, as it doesn't take into account the flexibility of the binding site. To give some numbers, classical docking score have a correlation of about 0.25 with experimental values. But the strength of docking, even with this low predictive accuracy, is its speed, to identify the "hits" for a protein target in a database that can contain more than a billion molecules (big pharma love this)! In our case, the fact that the starting structure was flumazenil bound could have biased the docking simulations by creating a "hole" that is not there in reality before the binding of the flumazenil. Indeed, more than keys and locks, most protein binding sites are flexible and adapt to their ligands.

In our case, classical molecular dynamics simulations would be an interesting "in silico" experiment to find the binding site of kavain in the GABA-A receptor by taking into account both ligand and protein flexibility. We can model the ion channel in its membrane in a water box with a kavain molecule floating in water. Then, using Newton's second law, molecular dynamics simulations allow to follow the dynamic evolution of the system, a bit like a video at atomic resolution. We can then hope that the kavain finds its binding site without intervention, just based on the structural information given by the experimental structure of the receptor. It is a simple but elegant process that we did recently in our team to find a binding site in another ion channel, but this is quite a computationally expensive task.

I'm quite pleased that my enthusiasm is shared here and I thank you for that :D This will push me to try others in silico experiments and show more structural pictures relative to these mysterious kavalactones.
Your (@KavaTasteGood) post is wonderful and thank you for taking the time to write this so carefully!
Taking your excellent comment- "these mysterious kavalactones" to another level/source and
as a side- (and maybe completely unrelated) the recent UC, Irvine study comments:
"kawain diet resulted in a significant increase in serotonin* "
*Serotonin plays several roles in your body, including influencing learning, memory, happiness as well as regulating body temperature, sleep, and hunger. Lack of enough serotonin is thought to play a role in depression, anxiety mania and other health conditions.


Kava Synchronized
Your (@KavaTasteGood) post is wonderful and thank you for taking the time to write this so carefully!
Taking your excellent comment- "these mysterious kavalactones" to another level/source and
as a side- (and maybe completely unrelated) the recent UC, Irvine study comments:
"kawain diet resulted in a significant increase in serotonin* "
*Serotonin plays several roles in your body, including influencing learning, memory, happiness as well as regulating body temperature, sleep, and hunger. Lack of enough serotonin is thought to play a role in depression, anxiety mania and other health conditions.
And here, again, is the link for the UC Irvine study: https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/28/4/1666?type=check_update&version=1

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
This is massively interesting. So to make sure I understand, these in-silico results are suggesting that all of the 6 major kavalactones have some affinity to the allosteric binding pocket at GABA-AR based on their structures?

You're scratching at the surface of what we've only been given tantalizing glimpses of.

Also a little bit of personal request, but do you have any literature that would help someone understand the differing colors, arrows and ribbons of these diagrams? I understand what they represent at a basic level, but I would love to dive down into these structures.


Also, is it possible that maybe kavalactones have a greater activity at non-classical GABA-AR subunit stoichiometries?

Wang, Na, Jingjing Lian, Yanqing Cao, Alai Muheyati, Shanshan Yuan, Yujie Ma, Shuzhuo Zhang, Gang Yu, and Ruibin Su. 2021. “High-Dose Benzodiazepines Positively Modulate GABAA Receptors via a Flumazenil-Insensitive Mechanism.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (1). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23010042.
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Kava Curious
Your (@KavaTasteGood) post is wonderful and thank you for taking the time to write this so carefully!
Taking your excellent comment- "these mysterious kavalactones" to another level/source and
as a side- (and maybe completely unrelated) the recent UC, Irvine study comments:
"kawain diet resulted in a significant increase in serotonin* "
*Serotonin plays several roles in your body, including influencing learning, memory, happiness as well as regulating body temperature, sleep, and hunger. Lack of enough serotonin is thought to play a role in depression, anxiety mania and other health conditions.
Dear Alia, I remember somewhere that one of the kavalactones binds to a serotoninergic receptor. I don't remember which molecule and which receptor sub-type, but I can definitely try to know more about this ligand-receptor interaction like I did here when I have time :) acting on some specific serotoninergic receptor subtype can give anxiolytic effects without tolerance and could explain some of the relaxing properties of kava.

This is massively interesting. So to make sure I understand, these in-silico results are suggesting that all of the 6 major kavalactones have some affinity to the allosteric binding pocket at GABA-AR based on their structures?
Dear Captain, yes, it's exactly that. Without forgetting to add the healthy skepticism and grain of salt of interpreting model predictions. The docking scheme I used is state-of-the art for blind docking (when the search is on the whole receptor and not a specific defined area). It's not impossible that kavalactones could bind to the benzodiazepine binding site at some low affinity and to another binding site with higher affinity. I don't know well this system, so I don't have more to add here.

Also, is it possible that maybe kavalactones have a greater activity at non-classical GABA-AR subunit stoichiometries?
This is definitely possible. I read that researchers try now to find compounds that target specifically some of the subunits of the GABA-A receptors. The aim is to hit the desired effect (for example anxiolysis) without the side effects (tolerance or sedation for example). I feel that following where the kavalactones guide us could help to find such an area of the receptor to target, and also where to target the GABARs (as the composition of the receptor varies between areas of the body/brain). The article you linked is quite a good example that a molecule could bind a specific binding site at a given concentration, but when concentration is increased, loose it's selectivity and hit at another place on the protein (or on other receptors).

Also a little bit of personal request, but do you have any literature that would help someone understand the differing colors, arrows and ribbons of these diagrams? I understand what they represent at a basic level, but I would love to dive down into these structures.
For the color, it's only a personal choice. I colored the receptor by subunits. I'm using Pymol, a vizualisation software that is free for non-commercial use. Everybody can download it, and tape:
> fetch 6D6T
This command will directly download the experimental structure of the GABA-R, stocked in a database called the PDB with the code: 6D6T, and show it on the visualizer. From this point, you can move and explore the protein with the mouse. The experimental structure contains every atom of the protein, but it's difficult to see well the structure. That's why multiple visualizations are possible. For example, the surface as I showed you, so you can see the hole of the ion channel. I did the other pictures with the secondary structure mode, a mode that shows the alpha helices as tubes and the beta sheets as arrows. These are important motifs you can find in most proteins (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_secondary_structure). Basically, secondary structures are some areas of the proteins that are quite stable compared to random coil parts, thanks to a huge number of interaction between amino acids that form these structures.

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