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Powdered Kava Review Vanuatu kava


Kava aficionado
{"Grade":10,"Potency":9,"Mind":0,"Body":7,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":8,"Taste":"3","Preparation":"1/3 of a cup with 400ml of water.","Duration":"ongoing","SideEffects":"sleepiness","Headline":""}
Excellent kava with a wonderfully lighter taste for a Vanuatu kava. Effects are predictably strong. I made this batch weaker to drink some now. I have been mostly mixing it with the Tongan and old roots for an extra punch.

It tastes considerably smoother than most kavas in this category.


I 100% agree with everything you said. Love this stuff, and everything I've gotten from Fiji Vanua. Like Ace, I like to mix this stuff with their other kavas. The mix described is great, and so is one with the Vanuatu, Malo Tongan, and the Santa Cruz. Drinking currently. Bula!


Kava aficionado
This kava is still as good as ever, if not better somehow. Rare for me to say that nowadays. I savour it on the weekends since it is a powerhouse and guaranteed to cause spontaneous naps. :D