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Vanuatu Questions


Kava Curious
What in the difference between Borogu and Borongoru Kavas from Vanuatu?
Thnx and Many Bulas


itchin for kava
I am not a veteran expert but I have both. And for me the Borogu hits the spot, I think its more heady and Boronguro is more heavy. Someone with more insight will come along shortly I am sure.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
if I remember right (and I probably don't) they are grown in different locations. Aside from that I'm not too sure myself. What @schatz sounds about right from what I remember about the two from past experiences with them.


What in the difference between Borogu and Borongoru Kavas from Vanuatu?
Thnx and Many Bulas
Are you talking Kalm With Kava Borogu and Borongoru?

Borogu is better for night time. More heavy. Borongoru is heady, and light. I find Borongoru has the least hangover effect out of all Kava's I have drank. It is better for mid day. Borogu is better for couch and music. Borongoru is more social, better suited for activity.

Borogu tastes piney Borongoru tastes more creamy.


itchin for kava
Its strange how different kava effects us, you just have to experience for yourself the effects you like. I have been really enjoying the borogus effects and have been accidentally using kavas with the chemotypes that have 4 and 2s as the prominent. Recently I read that the 2 and 4 are dopamine releasers so that kind of made sense for me. I always go for a drug if I get dopamine releasing effects and alcohol quit doing that a few years ago for me I realized, and thats why I wasnt really enjoying it so much. So when I tried kava and found a strain that gave me the dopamine I really didnt want the alcohol any more. I really wasnt looking to quit drinking I just found something better. You have to just try them and your body will tell you what it likes I guess.


Kava Curious
Thanks schatz for the congrats. I almost fell over when I found out I won. I had my wife double check for me because I've never really won anything. I started drinking Kava due to chronic back pain. Now, I'm an everyday day user for about 9 months. I agree that how Kava effects us is very individual and has even changed as I've become a regular user. I have no RT now and can almost get Kava-ed by just smelling good Kava. Thanks to this Forum, the Kavasseur Reviews, and experimentation I've had great Kava experiences. Kava is so great for pain management, I can't recommend it enough. Good for the Psyche too !
I going to mix up a batch of GHK Mahakea right now