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Powdered Kava Review Vanuatu


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
As opposed to the previous method of preparation and emulsion this one implores a lesser time frame and thus puts a smile on my face not just after but during preparation. :happy:

To expound upon this further for those happily unaware of the lengths I would go in order to push the envelope on emulsion; I will attempt to explain this simply and with a quickness because of how unnecessary and crude it'd been.

So as a baseline an hour constructed of various stops and goes to contend with was just one issue; if this was not foreboding enough, I shortly realized that even for my compulsory nature the expectations would not be met (chiefly, unless with a large amount 4 washes). Ironically enough because of the finesse this tactic requires.

As of now there's been no contrast in the potency regardless if this's a different strain and cultivar; though I know some from a certain thread I refuse to lend reference to may contest that I'm not being honest.

Please understand mood, prep, cultivar, distribution, freshness etc...there are so many variances in how a kava will affect you lest I forget reverse tolerance that to argue the point of one vendor gaining more notoriety than another because of their kavas is definitely reaching in the wrong direction and has no grounds in reality; only as conjecture.

For the very reason there are reviews and different merchants is for the bewildered newcomers or lurkers without a lick of knowledge on what's what in the kava industry; not for the veterans.

I write a review on the order of personal opinion and subjective knowledge; nothing else.....so why can this not be said for every other review?o_O

Seriously before this tangent goes any further I have one last point to make before getting to the meat of this review (The Boroguru itself), what's the point if we are not honest and beat around the bush; are we seriously quarreling among ourselves on this? :rolleyes:

We shouldn't because it's childish.(personal opinion;))

We must compare different strains so that those whom haven't had the luxury of consuming the strain obtain a means of arbitration, or our entire foundation comes crashing down leading to an eventual dereliction.

Okay that's off my chest and yes it does contribute to the review so that's that.

First of all I love all Boroguru, coarse grind, fine or micronized; they all take home the bacon.

1. Because of the warmth that enraptures the body, mind and sole after it's gone past the gullet. So relaxed, so care free and anxiety's a pre-dynastic concern.
2. A nap, a rest or slumber can all be achieved depending on just how much your feet are treading the potency current. I feel absorbed into a flow that I control the minute an iced shell passes the taste buds and imho it's soft, nutty and not bitter when as cold as a slushed cured brew.
3. As Boroguru thoughts take hold I start to wonder just what is the pinnacle of my life, of a year, month, week, day.
And finally is it right then at that very moment where I'm so warm at the same time the muscles are loose as fishing wire before the inevitable pull of the "big one"?
I don't really know but after almost going through this entire bag of Ghk Boroguru I'm sure of one thing and I can tell you all with an open heart and open mind....I love all Boroguru, this one specifically makes me blissfully relaxed whilst keenly aware of my surroundings. :D
Thank you Chris for all of your wonderful cultivations and thank all of the vendors on this forum; let's remember what's most important because you don't know how much you have until it's gone.....especially my empty bag of kava :p. (y)
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