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I Love Kava Friday Well if it isn't that day of the week.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
DALL·E 2022-08-25 15.22.24 - pastel very detailed painting of people drinking kava-kava.png

(Image from the Artificial Intelligence Dall-E 2)
That's right, kava lovers. We've made it to that most special day of the week.


I hope everyone's weekend is excellent. Still summer out there, but I'm holding out hope we might just find Fall soon ;)



Kava Lover
Going to enjoy this Friday....not many days, weekends, and Friday's left before the insanity of school hits (along with all my kid's activities) that eat into your free time. Nothing planned tonight so time to sit back and enjoy!


Kava Curious
Late to the table but, knowing there’s a chilled pre made shell waiting for me when I get home from work, makes my day! Cheers from the Cali Central Coast!



Position 5 Hard Support
Sorry I'm late to the Friday party. I wanna say I missed the previous Friday entirely. I need to reconnect.

Kava has been a boon and I don't commend it enough. I actually had a dream where I was proselytizing kava to a middle-aged lady who had a hard time with alcohol. Very odd dream because I don't recall ever meeting that lady anywhere. I don't even think she actually got to drink any kava either. I swear dreams frequently put in cliffhangers.