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What do you use as a post kava palate cleanser?


Kava Curious
From what I've seen, a lot of the traditional kava nakamals offer small "bocas" of fruit or candy as a chaser to the often unpleasant kava taste. 

I personally love kimchi or any type of strong flavored Indian snacks... Not real keen on the fruit post kava, too much acid and sugar. 

Anybody else have some recommendations?


Kava Enthusiast
After a shell of kava I like to clean my palate with another shell of kava.


Kava Lover
Sometimes I will use a small amount of orange juice. What I really like is using a mint or menthol flavored electronic cigarette as a pallet cleanser.


Kava Enthusiast
I just wash my mouth out with water. I used to drink huge amounts of cheap bottom shelf hard liqueur and kava taste has nothing on Scottish Passport scotch. Beside that I had an espresso machine in college and would drink huge amounts of straight espresso. So all in all my taste buds are pretty immune to gross taste. In all of the herbal/shamanic tea mixtures I've drank, kava isn't that bad at all.


Kava Lover
new2kava said:
I just wash my mouth out with water. I used to drink huge amounts of cheap bottom shelf hard liqueur and kava taste has nothing on Scottish Passport scotch. Beside that I had an espresso machine in college and would drink huge amounts of straight espresso. So all in all my taste buds are pretty immune to gross taste. In all of the herbal/shamanic tea mixtures I've drank, kava isn't that bad at all.
kava is absolute heaven compared to San Pedro cactus juice


Kava Enthusiast
I have been using the RZO kava drinks. I take a sip after each drink. I use one can per decent size session. Yup chase kava with more kava. :)


Kava Enthusiast
Buddhacide said:
I don't think K@ is as bad as kava. Definitely not pleasant though.

I like fresh fruit as a chaser.
You must have done it different than me. I would boil 2-3 ounces of leaves for at least an hour and then boil it down to 2-3 ounces of fluid that was like India ink and was truly heinous.


Kava Enthusiast
I've never boiled K@, but I assume it tastes similar to poppy tea. Don't get me wrong it's gross, but doesn't make me gag like kava. K@ I usually mix up in some rice milk or something with a hand blender. Bad but I prefer it to kava. I get where you're coming from though.


Kava Enthusiast
I mentioned this on a previous thread already but honestly putting fresh coffee grounds in the water to steep with the kava (filter both) for me has removed all of the unpleasant aspects of the taste. Since discovering this I've done it every time since.

The drink doesn't get caffeinated either, probably because the water isn't hot enough to extract it.

kl.c double

Kava Curious
K@ just tastes really grassy, poppy pods taste different (worse), never was lucky enough to try any cacti (I had some once and lost my stash somehow).  I find mushrooms of any kind, except the morels, despicably horrible. There are onions and spices that I love to cook with that would be worse than kava if prepared in the same manner... I find that if the kava is ice cold, it goes down smooth. I made a batch with coconut water tonight and will be trying it any minute now. There was one poster who swore by putting Stevia in her kava...

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Just a thorough rinse with water. Gargle for a bit. A piece of spearmint gum if it's too terrible. How I react to the taste really depends on my state of mind. Stone prepared the way I drink it is bad, but not the worst thing I've ever consumed. But fresh kava tastes more like green tea, very grassy and vegetal. One of my friends drinks spirulina and I don't really know how he gets it down. One of the healthiest things ever, but pond scum water is an accurate description in my opinion.


Kava Curious
I try to avoid chasers of any kind.  I'm sure this is coincidental, but I always seem to get stronger results without a chaser (most likely due to the chaser washing away the mouth numbing effect).  Though I do lack the willpower to drink some of the more peppery flavored strains without a chaser of some kind, in which case a Dole fruit cup works wonders.


Kava Enthusiast
the other day i was so krunk i saw the posts 'has anyone heard of this supplier' and 'What do you use as a post kava palate cleanser?"

i think my vision was messed up because my brain blended them together and i thought it said 'has anyone heard of a potato cleanse?'


Kava Curious
As I've mentioned before, I really intensely dislike the taste of kava. I've tried mixing it with cocoa powder, which makes it ok - still makes my stomach twist though.

So if you're a big wuss like me, the best palate cleanser I have found to date - a pickle. Those big, flat sandwich stackers that drape over your tongue.

I'm so damn sensitive to bad tastes and smells, I don't know if I will ever get over that. I get 'kava anxeity' bad. So bad, I made a batch last night, I could even drink any.