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What do you use as a post kava palate cleanser?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Mostly water. Sometimes a cold apple from the fridge or whatever dinner we're having.


Kava Lover
mos3z said:
the other day i was so krunk i saw the posts 'has anyone heard of this supplier' and 'What do you use as a post kava palate cleanser?"

i think my vision was messed up because my brain blended them together and i thought it said 'has anyone heard of a potato cleanse?'
haha potato cleanse


Kava Enthusiast
I usually just drink water, or don't have a chaser at all, but I have used those RzO drinks to wash away the kava aftertaste (for some of the more ucky kavas), as well as coconut water. Coconut water is definitely my favorite, I'll sometimes mix it in with the kava rather than use it as a chaser. Paradise's Fijian + coconut water tastes delicious, I would drink that just for the taste.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I can't stand coconut water, for some reason.

That being said, I'm pretty good with the taste of kava as-is, most of the time.


Kava Curious
Flavor-Aid made with Stevia.

The stevia is good for my blood sugar problems, and the Flavor-Aid appeals to my dark sense of humor (Jonestown and all.)