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What does heady mean?


Deleted User01

It means that the minute you start drinking it, your head is going to get bigger. It will get to an impressive size but with no substantial growth of your brain. It will get so big, that you will be featured on the next episode of Ancient Aliens. Your new nickname with be Headley or Headworth or Headwick or Cabezone. Well, that's one theory.

The other explanation is that you have kava which knocks you down and relaxes all the muscles in your body. I call those couch-potato kavas. A heady kava gives you a little bit of euphoria or energy. It is good for day time drinkers who don't want to be put down in the middle of the day. You should really try a sampler like the one from GHK where a good example of both can be found. Mahakea would be less heady and Mo'i would be more heady. And for me, Hanapaki Ai' is the ultimate couch potato kava. It really takes the wind out of my sails and forces me to relax. And this is a good thing in my case.


Kava Lover
Tongan roots can be pretty heady as well. They seem to tong nicely at higher doses. They are typically inexpensive to boot!