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What does nausea mean?

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Does nausea mean enough kava ? Or it means sensitive stomach? Or do some strains cause more nausea than others ? Had 2 shots of Fiji waka and feeling nauseas


All Hail Leon
Does nausea mean enough kava ? Or it means sensitive stomach? Or do some strains cause more nausea than others ? Had 2 shots of Fiji waka and feeling nauseas
Some do more than others yeah. To the best of my knowledge and experience it just means that your stomach is having a hard time processing too much fiber. Are you doing micronized/instant or are you doing traditional prep? The traditional (squeezing through a strainer bag) has less nausea with it because you're not getting any fiber when you drink it.

I would say it means both enough kava and sensitive stomach. Try perhaps eating something very small before you have kava, i.e. a hard boiled egg, or a little bit of yogurt, it won't be enough to counteract the kava in your stomach but it will help settle it a little. I usually have a small bite of something before having kava, but not too much.


Kava Curious
Prep, strain and type. "Darker" kavas like a waka give me more nausea. Quality is key. Strength, too. Some people do better with a weaker brew and higher liquid volume, and some like a strong brew so they consume less liquid which distends the stomach.

Some types just aren't worth the nausea for me, so I stay away from them. Sometimes I also chew a small pesto before.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I'd say there are different types of nausea... an upset stomach which is down to too much sediment or a full body buzz which feels amazing but also feels as though you're just about to throw up. If you strain well enough then you can usually keep yourself the right side of the second type and avoid the first type almost completely. I've switched to a 50 micron strainer and although I do think you get slightly less effects per shell I get a lot less of the first kind.
Try adding ginger powder as well. For me, it's the only thing that improves the taste (lime juice is ok) and it seems to really cancel out that yucky kava nausea.


Kava Enthusiast
Well ... youre drinking wood. Wood that tastes horrendously bad. I wanna puke pretty much every time because the taste is so awful. Not too much surprise there.

I just pound through it to get where I wanna be.


Kava Enthusiast
Ginger is very helpful. The only kava that gives me nasuea without simply drinking too much is Moi strangely enough. It seems that strain just doesn't agree with my stomach. A spoonful of peanut butter or an egg as Johnathan mentioned can help as well. My opinion is that a bit of fatty food can actually boost the effect of kava.
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