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What to do for kava induced anxiety?

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Kava Enthusiast
Well I went too deep with the nangol, I feel jittery, tense, anxious. Is there anything you can do to make it go away or does it just have to run the course? I have been anxious from kava before but normally only lasts 20 mins, this time it's staying. I didn't respect the root.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
For me, undesirable mental effects of kava can be almost completely overcome by "ignoring the root" as opposed to feeling it.
that and the ever-reliable combo of drinking lots of water and sleeping till the feeling goes away. Wake up, pee, drink more water, check to see if the feeling is still there and if so, go back to sleep. Lather rinse repeat until feeling is gone, then continue living life as before, older and wiser.


Certified Quack
@nickbroken Sounds as though you answered your own question, Respect the root. It's odd once you start realizing the vast variety of effects that different kava's can have. Hydration is key for me to achieve a good session. Listening to the Kava in order to determine if you need to drink more or lay back a bit is just as important also.

I've experienced a few mind altering substances that have absolutely changed my mindset on life as a whole for the better. I appreciate those experiences greatly to this day but they were very intense. Comparably I have not felt any type of anxiousness to any degree with Kava so I might not be the best person to respond. But mindset/surroundings will effect every bit of you whether you are sober of Kava or krunked. Trying to find something to occupy your time may also help even if it's just a silly game on your phone.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Chamomile if need be.. not teabag. but good chamomile strong, 2 to 3 tablespoons simmered for a minute in water and strained and squeezed out with kava bag. warming relaxing activities are helpful as the kava anxiety is cold based. Hot shower can be nice. warm water. heavy meals almost always help the anxiety .. avoid super strong spices like cayenne. Hot sauce can make or break whether a burger helps the anxiety or worsens it. The light, pungent qualities add to those of kava and will make it worse. This is why when you dont feel kava it can help. its a matter of balance.. The flavor of kava will give you more idea of effects also the smell.

Heavy warm meal without strong spices.
Chamomle, lemon balm, hops, skullcap, passionflower. strong tea made from good quality herb. or tincture (herbpharm)

Go Krunk Yourself

Kava Enthusiast
I've had Kava hit "too hard" before but usually it'll ride off that "peak" within an hour or so. Theres a threshold and when you cross it, it sucks but only for a little. I have a very bad anxiety disorder and although I still have these brief panic attacks from the Kava effects at time it never gets to out of control. Kava tends to center me enough where I can still be having a panic attack on it and then it just.. doesn't get TOO bad.
Just a thought - consider that anxiety might be coming from other factors, like a loss of electrolytes or B vitamins. Try chugging some coconut water for the potassium.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Well I went too deep with the nangol, I feel jittery, tense, anxious. Is there anything you can do to make it go away or does it just have to run the course? I have been anxious from kava before but normally only lasts 20 mins, this time it's staying. I didn't respect the root.
Nangol was one of the kavas that does this to me no matter how much I drink. It's a super stimulating kava to my system and it makes my skin tingle and it forces my eyes open when I try to sleep. It's a weird one on me, and I know it's well tolerated by many many people, so my system may just be suffering a case of Nangol rejection.


Kava Enthusiast
Nangol was one of the kavas that does this to me no matter how much I drink. It's a super stimulating kava to my system and it makes my skin tingle and it forces my eyes open when I try to sleep. It's a weird one on me, and I know it's well tolerated by many many people, so my system may just be suffering a case of Nangol rejection.
Yeah I drank too much nangol one day and it give me a call he tingles and I didn't feel good.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It reminds me of Solomon from N@H. If I remember correctly it was even spongy feeling when kneading like Solomon.
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