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Whats the concentration of kava you usually consume in a session?

Mr. Kava

Kava Enthusiast
I use 1/2 cup (50g). root to 8 cups of water.

If using pure waka, I use 1/3 cup of root and keep the root to water ratio at about 1:8.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I actually have pretty low consumption rates. I'll do about 4-6 tablespoons per 700 ml. Stretch it over a couple of hours and do double or triple washes. I find that the more Kava I use, the more likely it is to give me nausea. I've been advocating for low Kava: water ratios for awhile now.

That being said, I'll knead up a strong batch today and see how it effects me. I'll be safe and do some Nene.

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
For me, about 2-3 tablespoons per day is the right amount. I drink daily and try not to overdo it most of the time. I prefer it to constantly be in my system in small amouts to help with stress, anxiety, and pain.

Kava Time

Kava Vendor
I see that some of you guys use very concentrated mix, i wouldnt recommend that dosage for the kava which i sell but i dont know how you guys will handle it.
My recommended dosage is 1 heaped tablespoon of medium grind to make 2 cups of kava. The kava is very smooth but its surprisingly potent so you maybe shocked.
I wonder though when making concentrated mix do you ensure all the gooeyness of the kneading is completely gone?


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I see that some of you guys use very concentrated mix, i wouldnt recommend that dosage for the kava which i sell but i dont know how you guys will handle it.
My recommended dosage is 1 heaped tablespoon of medium grind to make 2 cups of kava. The kava is very smooth but its surprisingly potent so you maybe shocked.
I wonder though when making concentrated mix do you ensure all the gooeyness of the kneading is completely gone?
We definitely know to knead the kava until it loses its sliminess and begins to feel dryer and more gritty, our average kneading time is around 10 minutes.

I look forward to trying your kava, you might be underestimating how familiar many of us are to strong doses of strong kavas. There's never been a (dry)kava, no matter the quality, that has ever been shockingly potent, in my experience. I'm always on the hunt however! :D

Kava Time

Kava Vendor
There's never been a (dry)kava, no matter the quality, that has ever been shockingly potent, in my experience :D
Nah im not referring to its potency compared to other kavas in general. Im meaning that it will surprise and shock you on how potent the kava is based on its smoothness. Usually smooth kavas arent as potent.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Nah im not referring to its potency compared to other kavas in general. Im meaning that it will surprise and shock you on how potent the kava is based on its smoothness. Usually smooth kavas arent as potent.
(y)Oh, I see...yeah, that's a good combo to have, potent kava with a mild flavor...I've only had a few of those.
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Kava Enthusiast
If I'm doing traditional prep I'll kneed 8 heaping tbsp of medium grind with 1 and 1/2 cups hot water for 10 mins. Then I'll add a cup and a half of welches orange pineapple juice (still can't seem to get by on the flavor with just water) and 4 or 5 ice cubes to chill. That will last me two sessions during the week.....one if on the weekend.

If I use my Aluball (two balls in one shaker) two heaping tbsp in each ball and a cup and a half of hot water for the first wash. Second wash will be done with one cup of the juice. Both washes get mixed together and all consumed immediately.

I consume kava roughly 4 times per week +/-

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
There's an extent
I see that some of you guys use very concentrated mix, i wouldnt recommend that dosage for the kava which i sell but i dont know how you guys will handle it.
My recommended dosage is 1 heaped tablespoon of medium grind to make 2 cups of kava. The kava is very smooth but its surprisingly potent so you maybe shocked.
I wonder though when making concentrated mix do you ensure all the gooeyness of the kneading is completely gone?
I ordered some of your Kava today :) We will see how it matches with other Kavas in terms of strength. There are some really strong Kavas on the market in the U.S., including Hanakapi'Ai from Hawaii (GHK), Stone or Wow! from Nakamal at Home, Squanch Kava, and Nangol Noble from Bula Kava House. If you're stuff is stronger than any of those, then we are in for a treat!

Do you know how many years the roots have been in the ground, or what variety the Kava is or what part of Fiji it is from? That would be good info to share!

I do know some vendors who have ridiculously strong Nobles that they keep off market because of concerns about the reactions people will get. Many of these are Fijian Kavas that may or may not pass the acetone test despite the fact that they are Noble. Many of them 11-13 year Wakas. I think this issue needs to be resolved in relation to the reliability of the acetone test regarding Nobility. Many known growers of strong Noble Kavas have sent very good batches of strong Noble that couldn't get on market because of our makeshift system of testing and labeling.

Kava Time

Kava Vendor
There's an extent

I ordered some of your Kava today :) We will see how it matches with other Kavas in terms of strength. There are some really strong Kavas on the market in the U.S., including Hanakapi'Ai from Hawaii (GHK), Stone or Wow! from Nakamal at Home, Squanch Kava, and Nangol Noble from Bula Kava House. If you're stuff is stronger than any of those, then we are in for a treat!

Do you know how many years the roots have been in the ground, or what variety the Kava is or what part of Fiji it is from? That would be good info to share!
Its more older than the typical fiji harvest of 4 yrs lets say average of 5 - 5.5 yrs. Im not sure of the variety exactly because even the farmer doesnt know that but its the 2nd strongest kava you will get out of the savusavu region of fiji. They produce the best tasting fiji kava around. The strongest savusavu il put for sale also if all goes well with distribution trial ;) that stuff is off the charts expensive right now for me to trial with. i'll wait for your review to see where i stand with the kava i have available for trial now.
There will be two varieties of fiji kava for sale when i start full scale operations. The other (kadavu waka) will have distinctive differences from the savusavu in taste and effects.
Basically you guys will get alot more options with fiji kava just like how its with hawaiian kava right now


Kava Vendor
Micro or Instant 2 Tbsp and work from there. Dry root 2 Tbsp per cup of water, I usually consume around 6-8 Tbsp daily. This also depends on what I'm doing that day, 2 Tbsp per cup of liquid I find to be the ideal ratio. I agree @Kavasseur low liquid to root ratios will decrease nausea for many.


Persist for Resistance!
Normal daily usage is 3/4 cup to 24 ounces of water. That makes about 4 6oz shells. I will use less is with stronger varieties, Wow! and Papa Kea. (Stone would be on that list but I personally do not like it and don't drink it anymore) Not sure why but Papa Kea effects me much stronger than any other Hawaiian kava.


Kava Curious
How do you guys use so little water? Or am I just using too much? I personally don't measure in tablespoons; I just pour some directly into my strainer. I've gotten pretty good at determining how strong a drink will be by looking at how much is in it. Anyway, I don't really measure water either. I use one of those white plastic storage bowls. I feel it up about halfway. Out of curiosity though, I just measured how much water I use, and it's about 4-7 cups per grog. I generally can go through a pound of kava in a week. That's daily drinking with sometimes making two batches a day. So let's say on average about 1/7 pound a day. What would that translate to in tablespoons/cups?
Is my use of water lessening the effects of kava? The reason I use this amount is because it seems like I'd be wasting it as it's not enough water to properly extract the maximum amount of kavalactones. Idk, man. Next time I have kava I'll have to experiment and see if less water makes a difference.

Kava Time

Kava Vendor
How do you guys use so little water? Or am I just using too much? I personally don't measure in tablespoons; I just pour some directly into my strainer. I've gotten pretty good at determining how strong a drink will be by looking at how much is in it. Anyway, I don't really measure water either. I use one of those white plastic storage bowls. I feel it up about halfway. Out of curiosity though, I just measured how much water I use, and it's about 4-7 cups per grog. I generally can go through a pound of kava in a week. That's daily drinking with sometimes making two batches a day. So let's say on average about 1/7 pound a day. What would that translate to in tablespoons/cups?
Is my use of water lessening the effects of kava? The reason I use this amount is because it seems like I'd be wasting it as it's not enough water to properly extract the maximum amount of kavalactones. Idk, man. Next time I have kava I'll have to experiment and see if less water makes a difference.
which kava do you use? generally stronger kava will require less quantity to make a decent batch. The way to tell if the kava has been fully extracted is to see that the powder isnt still gooey when kneading


Kava Curious
It changes. Last two I bought were GHK's Hiwa and BKH's Nambawan. I know both are considered to be the strong stuff. But before that, I was mostly using Wakacon as it's cheaper.

But yeah, I strain til it's no longer gooey. I no longer drink kava as much as I used to, though. A couple years back I was a almost daily drinker. Now I'll buy it here and there.

boxcar beatnik

Kava Enthusiast
I usually use 8+ to 2-2.5 cups of water sadly. But i just started drinking root regularly again. Hopefully ill get that lactone build up and i can drop the amount
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