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What's your kava quirk?


Kava Enthusiast
We all know kava can be fickle, and body response idiosyncratic. Curious about experiences outside the norm?
Some of mine: I need to slam all the kava I want that day down at once. It's not nice to skol all that in one go. But it doesn't work if I space it, just never get any escalation on my initial dose...except for the nausea and headache (not dehydration, just always got that). That escalates for sure!
And my kava experience changes all the time. I used to have to stick to one variety for months to get effects, and I'd have a reverse tolerance between strains. I don't have RT between strains anymore, but now I have to rotate every day. Second day just doesn't hit, same dose, same lead up routine.
Kava is a lot of work! and yet, it's still worth it, for me. Keeps me away from booze, gives me an hour of mental relief in my day.
What're your kava quirks, kavalovers?


Kava Enthusiast
Some of mine: I need to slam all the kava I want that day down at once. It's not nice to skol all that in one go. But it doesn't work if I space it, just never get any escalation on my initial dose...
Same. I think there is a temporary tolerance that builds but not sure how long it actually lasts. Thing is, there is not enough research to explain how kava "behaves". There are many mysteries yet to uncover.


Kava Curious
I have yet to experience reverse tolerance and I usually miss the mark one way or the other when switching strains. I also don’t know exactly how long to abstain before the tolerance goes away.

I take it unfiltered because I suffer fatigue and my funds are quite limited. It does make me more prone to dermopathy, though. I do like the stress ball effect that the kneading has but it takes an hour and 70g to get me where I want to be with my anxiety and pain. The drink is a lot easier to choke back, though.


Kava Enthusiast
I have yet to experience reverse tolerance and I usually miss the mark one way or the other when switching strains. I also don’t know exactly how long to abstain before the tolerance goes away.

I take it unfiltered because I suffer fatigue and my funds are quite limited. It does make me more prone to dermopathy, though.
So you're experiencing an actual tolerance?
I'd consider micronized, in your situation. I found with the lesser quantities required the cost worked out similar - and while dermo and nausea goes up with micro (compared to strained traditional), it's still far less than the ol' toss and wash (which I've done in the past as well - no more for me).


Kava Curious
Mine is nausea after I consume it right away but, don’t want to waste it by puking. I found a trick that works for me. I keep a bottle of isopropyl alcohol close and after quaffing a 16 oz mega shell, i sniff the bottle of alcohol and it suppresses my puke reflex. I do it long enough till the feeling subsides.


Kava Curious
So you're experiencing an actual tolerance?
I'd consider micronized, in your situation. I found with the lesser quantities required the cost worked out similar - and while dermo and nausea goes up with micro (compared to strained traditional), it's still far less than the ol' toss and wash (which I've done in the past as well - no more for me).
If only I could afford it.


Kava Enthusiast
Mine is nausea after I consume it right away but, don’t want to waste it by puking. I found a trick that works for me. I keep a bottle of isopropyl alcohol close and after quaffing a 16 oz mega shell, i sniff the bottle of alcohol and it suppresses my puke reflex. I do it long enough till the feeling subsides.
Or split it into two doses. One maybe around 400ml or whatever amount you feel comfortable drinking in one go. Second shell would contain all the sediment and bitterness so you can swallow it at once without giving nausea a chance.