I'm interested in things
kavadude is a moderator, but you can do it yourself; just create a new thread, and copy the stuff that should be part of it.Is it possible to split this into a new thread? Who is the moderator, @kavadude?
I would also like to say: It is great to gather anecdotal evidence about kava-drug interactions, but since not everyone in the target audience here is familiar with how scientific research works, it should be prefaced with a clear disclaimer about the limitations and pitfalls of anecdotal evidence, especially anecdotal evidence gathered anonymously over the Internet. Basically: the fact that someone here claimed that some drug they were taking interacted with kava should be taken with a huge grain of salt: They could have other medical conditions they don't mention or are not aware of; they could be 100 years old; they could be 12 years old; they could be on other meds (legal, or illegal) that they don't mention; or they could possibly even be liars/trolls (this is the Internet afterall).