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I Love Kava Friday Whoa it's Friday again.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I get it man... Pizza is awesome... I would love to eat a pizza as a bedtime snack every night! But potatoes would be a much better source for weight gain. Potatoes are full of potassium and other nutrients. Potassium would help with the hydration issue of kava. A massive bowl of steamed then smashed potatoes slathered in butter and cheese, maybe with bacon and steamed spinach on top, would be a much better weight gain snack.
I know of two russet potatoes that are getting the treatment tonight . That post made me hungry. May even Sous Vide a few steaks to go along with it.

Deleted User01

Hmm, baked potatoes. :hungry: Hey, don't forget sour cream, butter, bacon bits (bacon chunks in @Jerome case), and chives. Ohhh, and shredded cheese too. Now that thar with a medium rate steak is a manly meal. :D Feed the salad to the dog ... he needs it from the looks of it.


Kava keeps me going.
Just going to cook myself some bacon and eggs for breakfast and get my tools together for an afternoon kava session - not had a Friday session in way too long a time.
Also found some old school fijian music on Spotify - The Kavaholics! Listening to Bula Malaya right now - "feesh and chips"!


Kava Lover
My own post made me ravenous, ate my lunch before eleven today... Potatoes are such a wonderful little tuber.

The Kavaholics??? That's awesome. I'm loving the songs coming up. "Please don't touch my papayas",

Do we have an official musical group of kavaforums.com?? If not, I propose the Kavaholics! All in favor???


Kava Enthusiast
Taters are the only vegetable that i eat, all that other stuff is for animals. I support veggie rights to live, just not kava it can only live long enough to be harvested.


Kava Lover
You've got to appreciate a good Indian buffet. Its always hard for me to order one item at an Indian restaurant. I Want a little bit of everything. There's just too much damn flavor to appreciate. That's the genius of the indian buffet. Damn, I'm hungry again.

Deleted User01

You've got to appreciate a good Indian buffet. Its always hard for me to order one item at an Indian restaurant. I Want a little bit of everything. There's just too much damn flavor to appreciate. That's the genius of the indian buffet. Damn, I'm hungry again.
Dude, do you live in a city called "The City of Buffets". It seems like if it ain't one buffet then it's another. If @Kapmcrunk really wants to gain weight, he should visit you on his summer vacation and you can show him the ropes. You know, the ropes that hold back the hoards at the Buffet. :hungry:

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Dude, do you live in a city called "The City of Buffets". It seems like if it ain't one buffet then it's another. If @Kapmcrunk really wants to gain weight, he should visit you on his summer vacation and you can show him the ropes. You know, the ropes that hold back the hoards at the Buffet. :hungry:
haha, but how did you know I needed to gain weight? (It's true, though...I'm too thin..or at least my wife's Jewish grandmother always seems to think so)

Deleted User01

@Kapmcrunk, don't do it! :eek: If you let nature takes its course, you will start gaining weight in the 4th quarter. It starts with Halloween candy and it never ends until after the super bowl. I know this, I'm still trying to shed my 4th quarter weight gain.