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Why Kava Candy is quietly invading your workplace


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Had fun putting this little video together and will be running a good promotion with it in the next few days. If you haven't already, please feel free to subscribe to the mailing list at kavakavacandy.com (right side / mid page) I usually send out about 1-2 emails a month with upcoming news / deals. Thanks again and don't hesitate to contact me for anything. Aloha, Steve


Deleted User01

@Steve, nice concept. I can just see the anxious secretary putting down her valium and instead taking a Kandy and smiling to the camera and saying, "And it tastes good too!". If your Kandy gets accepted in the workplace then its downhill all the way for all kava products. And you can take all the credit ...:D Or ...... if the feds start invading the work place, well, errrr, I'm giving them your home address so they won't search my file drawer and find my micronized. :LOL:


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
@Deleted User01 - I was going to run off and hideout in Hawaii but I guess I am already here if anyone comes for me...lol. I just know that kava can (and has) helped a lot of people and in turn makes everyone's lives a little bit better in someway or another.

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
@Steve When you enter your email and click "Subscribe" is there supposed to be a pop-up or any other sort of confirmation that says one is subscribed? I'm not seeing it if there is. Maybe I'm already subscribed I don't know.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
@awametal Sorry, i was messing with it this morning and it appears it is having some problems. Will let you know when it is working correctly. Again, sorry.

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
Great product BTW. I'm going to have to go out of town to a wedding later this summer. A niece is getting married (wife's family). These candies should do perfectly to help me get through such a stressful event. LOL. I may have to stock up on some Kalm with Kava drink before the wedding too.


I'm interested in things
"Kava: helps you tolerate your miserable job!"
I thought that's what coffee was for.
(Sorry, I can't help it -- I know your candy is a good product, but...this seems kind of... I don't know)
But you got me to sign up for your mailing list.


Kava Enthusiast
I have never tried kava candy because of RT. However, I took a friend for his first kava bar visit and he seemed to feel pretty good. He has sleep issues and airplane anxiety, even though he has been to fifty countries. I recommended this candy to him and he is going to get back to me about it... and maybe he will let me waste a piece to try for the taste.


Patently irritable
The last two days I could have used these in the size of the old giant SweetTarts™. Regardless, I'm very glad to have these in my arsenal.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
@verticity oh, i drink plenty of coffee too...but the candy or kava (in general) helps me keep on track. I think i have ADHD so it steers me in the right direction :)


I'm interested in things
Have you considered sending a few thousand freebie cases to Israel/Palestine? :)
That's a great idea! How about go even further and use drones to blanket drop Kava Candies over the entire Middle East, Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. It would be called "Operation Chill the Fuck Out Guys."

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
Kava should be a required drink before every peace negotiation. Everyone should be required to drink at least 3 shells of strong noble kava, and there should be a bowl of kava candies sitting at the negotiation table for added effect.