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Kava Enthusiast

Just made some boroguru for the first time today.

Very nice muscle relaxation!

And made some melo melo yesterday.

Melo made me very melo.

Very nice kava :)


Kava Enthusiast
I placed a celebratory BKH order in honor of the new subforum.

... alright it was more in honor of having a 15% off coupon, but yay for the subforum anyhow :)

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Slow Native, Good kava should produce a bit of greenish brown foam when mixed. Your lecithin may have added something as well though.


Kava Enthusiast
Curious about the foam, is that the good stuff? When I use n@h method of a final strain I always lose the foam, it looks tasty and was wondering if I lost the good stuff.


Slow Native said:
Ooh man got some foam outta this Fu'u (added liquid lecithin) does that seem like that'd be why?
Maybe - I love that foam though. Like this?

Usually I get the foam if I either use warmer water, add milk or lecithin, or blend.