Hi Salvador, it does not change the over all percentage of kavalactones that the root had but it does help release more kavalactones that are there already,The test results showed that the chemotype was unchanged, the total kavalactone per cup was changed but not the chemotype, with the boiling method. Another example of how the traditional way gets the kavalactones out of the root powder is this-, I took some kava powder and I used the cold water method, I washed the kava in the strainer with 2 cups of water and I did the first washing, like the normal process is, the I took another bowl with 2 cups of clean water and did the same thing, I did this with 10 bowls of fresh water each time and I did not combine the bowls, I kept them separate and the HPLC test results showed that there were still kavalactones in the 10th bowl, there was about 92% less than the first bowl but they were still there.
Those kavalactones are hard buggers to get out that is why there are 2 grinding techniques that rupture the most cell walls or the kava powder, the boiling method helps to rupture most if not all, depending on the particle size of the kava powder.
The grinding techniques that open more cells than say pounding like most are or a hammer mill with a screen that is not fine enough.
Micronizing will do this and then there is another way that I developed that also opens more cells. There are 2 kinds of micronized powder on the market that I have seen, one is like the finest powder you have seen, like baby powder, the other if you rub it in your fingers is not as fine, you will feel small particles that feel like small pieces of sand, this one is still a good kava because of how fine the grind is but I would not call it truly micronized.
I have noticed too the different effect that you get with the boiling method vs the cold water extraction and it is as you described, I think that the boiling modifies or changes the kavalactones a bit or some other ingredient in the kava, there are 6 major active ingredients but there are others that contribute to the entire kava effect, so maybe one of those has something to do about it, I am not sure. Aloha to all.