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Wow, super good extraction


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G'day Deleted User, ive sat behind a lot of nakamals waiting for the kava in Port Vila…the water is quite cool tap (town supply) water. The kava ive had on Tanna was made on water from a spring. All very cool water. They over come our brew strength plight with the sheer horsepower of fresh roots.


I tried this with KBR's van3. The boiling method worked but in a different way. Body effects were more pronounced while typical kavain "cerebral kick" was somewhat lacking. Traditional method (soak+squeeze) yield diametrical result, cerebral effects were stronger while the body load was lesser. Could it be that the boiling of kava potentiates only DHK/DHM kavalactones?
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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi Salvador, it does not change the over all percentage of kavalactones that the root had but it does help release more kavalactones that are there already,The test results showed that the chemotype was unchanged, the total kavalactone per cup was changed but not the chemotype, with the boiling method. Another example of how the traditional way gets the kavalactones out of the root powder is this-, I took some kava powder and I used the cold water method, I washed the kava in the strainer with 2 cups of water and I did the first washing, like the normal process is, the I took another bowl with 2 cups of clean water and did the same thing, I did this with 10 bowls of fresh water each time and I did not combine the bowls, I kept them separate and the HPLC test results showed that there were still kavalactones in the 10th bowl, there was about 92% less than the first bowl but they were still there.
Those kavalactones are hard buggers to get out that is why there are 2 grinding techniques that rupture the most cell walls or the kava powder, the boiling method helps to rupture most if not all, depending on the particle size of the kava powder.
The grinding techniques that open more cells than say pounding like most are or a hammer mill with a screen that is not fine enough.
Micronizing will do this and then there is another way that I developed that also opens more cells. There are 2 kinds of micronized powder on the market that I have seen, one is like the finest powder you have seen, like baby powder, the other if you rub it in your fingers is not as fine, you will feel small particles that feel like small pieces of sand, this one is still a good kava because of how fine the grind is but I would not call it truly micronized.
I have noticed too the different effect that you get with the boiling method vs the cold water extraction and it is as you described, I think that the boiling modifies or changes the kavalactones a bit or some other ingredient in the kava, there are 6 major active ingredients but there are others that contribute to the entire kava effect, so maybe one of those has something to do about it, I am not sure. Aloha to all.


Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
High temps can destroy the kavalactones but you can heat them up, boiling them like I did in my video is not going to kill them, cooking with kava will most likely destroy the kavalactones and you will get no kava effect, the trick is to heat it until you rupture the cell walls of the kava powder and then stop the heat and add water to help cool it down, you can see the difference in the glossy film on the surface. So if you do want to cook with kava I recommend that you add the kava as a spice after the cooking, like you would add salt or pepper, amazing that kava is in the pepper family. :D Aloha nui loa.



❦ॐ tanuki tamer
So I did this today. Like Vekta I don't want to lose my kitchen privileges so I just boiled some water to 212F and poured it into a glass bowl full of kava, resulting in Kava Oatmeal. I stirred it up with a fork and let it sit there for a while, then I added a bunch of ice and did my normal extraction method (rolling pin). As an aside, wakacon fiji waka is the mildest smelling kava I've ever had. It didn't smell really bad even after I boiled it.

Doing it this way results in a very thick brew. Seriously, it's like a kava smoothie. Drinking it was surprisingly easy after I topped it up with some water, but it made me a bit nauseous for a minute or two after drinking it, which is not normal for me.

I did it with 1/2 cup of wakacon fiji waka. Doing it with a kava I've never tried before probably wasn't clever because I don't have a handle on how strong the kava would be using my normal prep. That said, after drinking half the kava, I was buzzed. Now after drinking the rest I feel pretty good, but not quite as good as I would after 1/2 cup of traditionally prepared Vanuatu kava. I'm going to have to experiment a bit more, but it definitely didn't destroy the kavalactones or make me sick or anything.

Deactivated Account

Sounds like I finally have a justifiable reason to buy that ultrasonic cellular disrupter I've had my eye on.
I like your thinking….i see a few on Ebay….no way in hell would i be buying a used one though ! (oh yeah sorry..thats an old unit from our medical department)

Ultrasonic homogenizers are multi-function and multi-purpose instruments that utilize intense high frequency sound to induce cavitation in liquid. As the cavitation bubbles collapse, high shearing energies disrupt animal and plant tissue, and lyse yeast, bacteria and spores. The ultrasonicator can also be used for non-biological applications such as emulsification, nanoparticle dispersion, intense washing or acceleration of chemical reactions (sonochemistry


Do all things with love
I like your thinking….i see a few on Ebay….no way in hell would i be buying a used one though ! (oh yeah sorry..thats an old unit from our medical department)

Ultrasonic homogenizers are multi-function and multi-purpose instruments that utilize intense high frequency sound to induce cavitation in liquid. As the cavitation bubbles collapse, high shearing energies disrupt animal and plant tissue, and lyse yeast, bacteria and spores. The ultrasonicator can also be used for non-biological applications such as emulsification, nanoparticle dispersion, intense washing or acceleration of chemical reactions (sonochemistry
Ooooooh :woot: :hungry:


Do all things with love
I am wondering if freezing could have a similar effect, with the action of the freezing bursting the cell walls and allowing more kavalactones to be released. My freezer door is filled with baggies of kava waiting for a second wash, a kilogram's worth actually :shameshame:.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi Violet. I am not sure but it stands to reason that the freezing does rupture the cells so it should work too, I bet it would work better with the fresh root because of the water in there too, the fresh root is over 80% water. Since the powder in your freezer is from your first wash that means that the powder is wet and that should help the cells to have water in them to also help the cells to rupture, I am not sure how dry powder would do if you put that in the freezer because I am not sure how much the kavalactones expand when frozen, it might not be enough to rupture the cell if the powder is dry. Aloha.


Deactivated Account

I bet it would work better with the fresh root

I will report back on freezing fresh shortly as ill be guzzling fresh daily in 3 weeks time (i see you shiver with antici …………… pation')

I do often grab a 2-300vt plastic on my moon walk back to my digs for a morning heart starter the next day. I usually just put it in the fridge but now i will try the freeze. I can see this ending up like a bloody Polar Bear laying on its back chewing a big dirty ice block at the zoo.

Always happy to sacrifice myself as a Guinea Kava Pig.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hay Kavadude, I was just thinking about the stomach discomfort you got when you tried the boiled kava, I think you said you used Fijian, well Fijian kava is known to have that effect, that is why I am very picky about the Fijian kava that I get and sell. I have never had that problem with Hawaiian varieties. Aloha.



been doing this for a few days now,doesnt seem to make it that much more potent,but the first effects are definitly lasting way longer(2h30 of face melt today).

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi Henry G, I have been selling my 'Awa to herbalist, and natural doctors for over 15 years now and they have used it to treat addiction, even heroin addiction and they have all had great success. It also helped my brother in law stop smoking ciggs. Aloha.
