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Drinking last night's kava?


Kava Padawan
I've kept kava in the fridge for probably up to 2 weeks. Pretty sure that's just a water/kava mix, no milk or anything else. But yeh, the taste...FUNKY. Didn't make me sick though but sometimes I have to pour it out if it smells too weird.


Kava Enthusiast
Well, I've done this twice now. Yesterday and today. Made kava last night. Left it in the bowl, drank some this morning for anxiety. Taste is about 10x stronger, do you think this is a bad idea though? Obviously it's probably a good idea to put it in the fridge but it slipped my mind.

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I wouldnt worry about it.!
I do this all the time! I do it on purpose infact, as it saves me from Making another Brew the next day.

Its best store it in a Closed bottle though, not in an Open shell or Bowl.


Kava Enthusiast
I store my leftovers in a 500g old honeypot. The taste of day old kava, refridgerated or not, is absolutely terrible though. It's like all the dreadful vegetal tastes come to the fore. It tastes like diluted compost or grass clippings. I guess I am more interested in what is going on that makes day old kava taste so appalling?


Kava Lover
I left my kava I prepped for work out without refrigerating last night. Hope I don't die. I added lemon juice this morning to kill any germs


Kava Lover
When I go traditional prep I make enough for at least 2-3 days worth. Stored in a mason jars, sealed up tight, and in the fridge I taste no difference between day 0 and day 3. Is it possible the containers you are storing in are "adding" to the bad taste?
A lot of kava bars definitely re-use any kava that wasn't sold/consumed by refrigerating it over night and then serving it the next day, so it isn't rare. That being said, I would definitely recommend that if you are going to drink kava that you prepared the night before, it should have been refrigerated overnight.

As far as kava getting more potent by just sitting there, I would be a little curious "how" that would actually work since the grog can't absorb any kavalactones since they are not water soluble and our kava (as we know it) is a suspension and not a solution.
I refrigerated kava last night and am about to drink it. I always throw some sweet cream in with my grog to make it taste lighter and because it is fat soluable. I’ve found that it gets waaaay stronger the longer it sits. So I guess we’ll see if it’s much different overnight