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Hello! & A Question About Kava.


(Kevin Pirt)
Hi everyone! My name is Kevin Pirt you can call me Pirt if you want. Well i have been drinking Kava for over a year and a half now and me and a close friend (one who actually uses Kava extract paste for his anxiety.) are looking into making our own Kava brand and sell Kava. There is one thing i do not know that i need to know in order to benefit Kava. How do you the people who use Kava want it to be sold? I mean this as in not hurting Kavas image. I understand fully the medical uses Kava is good for from getting off drugs to helping anxiety and sleep and many more benefits. But some people choose to drink Kava socially and at Kava Bars for its relaxing and euphoric effects. Now see the problem is the wording. What is the actual name of the feeling Kava gives you? I have seen Kava Bars describe it as "Kava Buzz" and i have seen people use the word "Intoxicated" but i do not think thats a good match because it sounds related to another drink. Is there a actual name for the feeling Kava gives you? I want to make sure people in the Kava community have a say in this i am not selling this as a "LH" product but i do want to be able to say about Kavas effects without hurting its image (i have seen one company say its a "Kava High") which i know is not the real word for it. So what is a word for the good feeling Kava gives that the community feels wont hurt Kavas image but yet will let me give a name for the feeling it gives. I personally only drink it at the end of hard days to un-wind and relax and on the weekends so i have always used it for its good feeling effects but as i said my close friend who is to co-own the company uses it for more medical uses for his anxiety and sleep. I am not out to hurt Kavas image or "Profit Off Exploiting Kava" If fate allows i would love to really make this work. I enjoy Kava myself and i care about Kava and i want to make my brand the brand people think to when they want quality products with a good price backed by a dedicated support team who care about the consumer and cares about Kava! Thanks if you can help with my question and if you have any other tips or recommendations or anything at all PLEASE post i would love to hear ideas.


(Kevin Pirt)
Thanks for the input everyone. I will definitely consider using those words i have heard Krunk/Krunked/Krunken before i never heard "Rooted" surprisingly sounds like it would be the main word for it ha ha ha. Well as i am building the company together and working on stuff when we launch much much later this year we are trying to make a brand that is true to its consumers and all about people over profits. Does anyone have any tips or recommendations? From consumers who buy Kava is there anything you think a Kava brand should know? We also will sell other things then Kava but we are looking at Kava as a main focus. So any tips or ideas or what you would like to see in a company let me know.


(Kevin Pirt)
Also i am wondering what kind of branding images/style i should use. Some people have told me the designs for the company and products look "Flashy" and that it should help me sell. Here is a example of our new logo for when we officially open. That is the kind of example of the style of brand we make. How do people feel about it? Do you care or do you think it should be less flashy design and have a classic tropical theme? I know its hard to imagine a package based off the logo but that's the kind of so called "Flashy" style we have in mind for most of our products. Mostly because they are very high detailed and usually cool to look at. But what are your views on this?



'Awa Grower/Collector
My suggestion for anyone considering getting in to the business of selling kava-
There is plenty of research coming out to support the value of the whole product- dry root/stump or fresh, frozen to make the traditional beverage. Paste, pills, solvent extracts?
My concern for fragmented kava products is "what is missing"? Kava is not just kavalactones. There are valuable "ingredients" naturally occurring in the whole product that, likely, are not in pills and extracts. One recent paper, overview worth taking a look at is "Contemporary Pacific and Western Perspectives on 'Awa Toxicology" in Science Direct. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll be more specific. Bottom line in that paper deals with value of long term traditionally consumed cultivars, preparation techniques, knowing what cultivars you are selling. They also get in to some findings about other useful, active constituents other than kavalactones.


'Awa Grower/Collector
I'll check with one source that may be able to provide the entire paper (12 pgs) but here are more details.
Journal name- Fitoterapia home page at www.elsevier.com/locate/fitote
Full name- Contemporary Pacific and Western perspectives on 'awa (Piper methysticum) toxicology
Contents available at ScienceDirect
What I am not sure of is- is full text available free? I paid for full text- $35. worth it, but cannot send from my computer to this forum.
Most interesting (to me) were further references in paper, sec. 8.2- "Beyond the kavalactones" scant direct specifics but the references open new, fascinating doors!


Kava Curious
I am a skeptic, and I don't take ordering products that I will be ingesting into my body, lightly. I research companies for quite some time, including seeking out REAL reviews from customers of said company. When it comes to products like Kava, someone that either grows Kava, or has a direct relationship with the grower will be most likely to get my business. But more than that, someone that knows everything Kava, and I mean everything, is a MUST!! I will be honest, someone that says "I've been drinking Kava for less than 2 years and now I want to sell Kava", sends my skeptic flag flying. I think to really be able to get into this business successfully, it's going to take far more than just drinking Kava for a while. That's just my 2 cents, which gets ya nothing :p I just have many years of being a consumer, and 20 years running a family business under my belt (not kava related)... so just wanted to pass along my thoughts. Whatever your endeavors, I wish you the best of luck!!!
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