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Is it reasonable to drink Kava after dinner?


Kava Enthusiast
I love kava a little while after a meal. With or promptly after the food, my kava feels less strong or it feels like I can drink less because my belly is full. Sometimes I don't want flavors or food particles getting in the way of my kava drinking. However if I have not had a breakfast and drink kava upon awakening, food is the key, the difference between getting sick and enjoying my kava is having some food upon awakening before shells.


Kava Lover
Usually you consum kava on empty stomach, but does it work after having had a full dinner?
(Austrian Germknödel) Or do I have to wait for four hours?
Sure thing. It will take much longer to absorb, and won't hit like a fresh cup of grog on an empty stomach but it is still quite enjoyable. I start my kava drinking around 5pm ahead of dinner and don't usually stop until 9-10ish. The first couple of shells are what drain away the day, after that and after dinner is just maintaining the vibe until the head hits the pillow. If I eat a really big meal I might not drink another shell for an hour just for stomach comfort.


Kava Curious
I usually have a light breakfast, no lunch, and hit mt first 2 shells before 2pm. Dinner at 4ish, wait till 6:30-7pm and then hit 2 more shells….only downside first few hours after I go to bed, I’m up and down pissing being that it is a diuretic.