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New to Forum, Not to Kava: The Quest for my perfect Strain


Kava has been my personal not-so-secret secret for nearly 17 years. I have been using it off and on for anxiety and ADD treatment since I discovered it in a heath-foods store (followed up with an erowid.org info-dump) when I was 17. Since then I have "re-discovered" it multiple times, and have finally discovered the best stuff comes in bulk and works the best prepped by yourself.

When I was younger, briefly I was so obsessed with this new thing that I even created highly concentrated "kava balls" made of pure lactone from the cheap root powder filled "anxiety supplements" from retail stores. I would take these greasy balls and slice slivers from them. My friends thought I possessed secret herbal knowledge haha.

After going through life trying many SSRIS and benzos from doctors I have found myself without health insurance for the past few years and have returned to Kava. It still works better then any prescription out there (less side effects, no loss of self, no dulling of protective anxieties ) and most importantly, it does not make me tired!!!

I hate being tired. More then anything. Thank the goddess that Kava actually wakes me up while calming me down. Nothing else does this.

So that's my little love letter to those wonderful plant. I wanted to join a community so I could discuss preparations and types. I did not know there were so many strains out there!! I typically just order bulk from vendors on Amazon, and currently am using Lawena Kava (first time with this one. Like the low nausea but displeased with extremely short duration). I am currently on a quest to find the ultimate strain that gives me what I need... long duration, strong stimulation, low nausea.

I hope I can learn here. Thank you!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Welcome to the tribe....again.::happyshell::

You will find many top quality sources of kava here.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
This reminds me of the "good, cheap, fast... choose two" meme.

A plant high in dihydrokavain will produce a fairly long-lived effect and be wonderful for reducing anxiety, but it will probably be at least somewhat irritating to the stomach, especially if she brings her HULK-SMASH sister, dihydromethysticin.

What you might benefit most from is a high kavain strain constantly sipped throughout the day.


Kava Lover
I agree with the kavain statement @Prince Philip , these seem least irritating to my stomach and most uplifting. The 11 year waka from BKH has been the longest duration I've tried as well as very uplifting for me but does cause me some tummy troubles.
