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Silky smooth Kava gravy


itchin for kava
I did the GHK method of making strong kava brew that Chris shows in his video and wow that was really strong gravy. I used 3 tablespoons Big Kava Waka and 1 Tbs. of Lowena from Wakacon and 4 cups of water. It must of been real starchy Kava because it got really thick. Could substitute at Thanksgiving. It did change the flavor quite a bit also for the better. I wonder if I should have added more water to thin out, but I dont like to drink a gallon at a time, so maybe I shouldnt have done 4 Tbs. and just done 2. But then it wouldnt be as strong, wow it was the strongest way of brewing I have done sofar. And it was pretty tastey as far as gravies go also. Have you guys tried this yet?


itchin for kava
I don't know about you, but the idea of "silky kava gravy" makes me barf a little.
Was expecting that reaction from the headline of this thread. But thats what it reminded of and it really tasted pretty good when it was still warm, but kind of grossed me out when it cooled off.


itchin for kava
Hmm... yes, so you strained it and drank it still warm? Normally people report hating warm kava.
Yes it was better when it was still warm, about 110 deg. It got to 150 deg. during the heating it thickened right up like gravy and was a little difficult to strain through my nut bag. I know that kind of sounds wierd. I dont think I will do this all the time but sure made the most out of a few Tbs. Highly recommend trying.