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-Sometimes I think you love kava more than me!


Kava Lover
Well at first I kept it somewhat hidden. I mean it is kind of a strange ritual to say you have started drinking ground up root. After a few months of enjoying it all to myself I let my wife in on my new found secret...of course at that point I was drinking almost daily so it was a bit tough to keep under wraps. She now occasionally joins me in my kava drinking as long as it is a more mild (non-bitter) grog and definitely not microgrind. I have gotten a few friends to try it, but most have gone right back to drinking alcohol and it didn't really catch on for them. For the most part I don't share with others my love for kava. I think you need to be in the right place, and right mind, for kava to be of assistance in your life.

Señor Chuggs

Friend of Kava
I'll also add that sometimes eating heavy food too close to your session may also cause light nausea. Last night I went to a concert, and I know I wanted to down a few shells right before I walked in. I also knew I could benefit from some food to get me through the night. I ordered some french [freedom] fries, since I thought it would be lighter than a full meal, and fatty food taste GOOOOD after some shells :woot:.

Due to the time crunch, I ate the food right along with my heavy, hasty kava session. I walked into that show very very rooted and the rootedness sustained throughout the show, but my stomach felt very weird. it feels like kava numbs your stomach. That is a really unusual sensation when you've got a belly full of food.

in retrospect, I probably should have got a salad.


Skål from Sweden!
My ex/part time lover, the mother of my children do not like kava. She does not know I'm drinking it again because we are no longer living together.
She doesn't like the idea that it's something that affects me.
She would not like me having a low alcohol beer, because of my history.


Skål from Sweden!
I'll also add that sometimes eating heavy food too close to your session may also cause light nausea. Last night I went to a concert, and I know I wanted to down a few shells right before I walked in. I also knew I could benefit from some food to get me through the night. I ordered some french [freedom] fries, since I thought it would be lighter than a full meal, and fatty food taste GOOOOD after some shells :woot:.

Due to the time crunch, I ate the food right along with my heavy, hasty kava session. I walked into that show very very rooted and the rootedness sustained throughout the show, but my stomach felt very weird. it feels like kava numbs your stomach. That is a really unusual sensation when you've got a belly full of food.

in retrospect, I probably should have got a salad.
Everything in it's right place.

Was the concert good? Which band?

Señor Chuggs

Friend of Kava
I've never had kids, so take my words for what they are worth. I live with my SO, who has never tried kava, and likely never will. Its just not her thing. I drink it every day. She is very supportive, but I know there are times when she wish I would drink less often. I think its because its hard for someone who doesn't consume it regularly to understand its effects. Very rarely is kava so inebriating that it would be a crutch for an addict, or a hazard around children IMO.

If I were in your shoes. I'd drink however much kava whenever you want. You don't have to tell her, since you no longer live together, but don't hide it either. I understand there has to be some level of trust between parents, so hiding your kava routine could be damaging.

Edit: deleted a mention that was not pertinent to the discussion and a bit US-centric.
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Señor Chuggs

Friend of Kava
I'll also add that sometimes eating heavy food too close to your session may also cause light nausea. Last night I went to a concert, and I know I wanted to down a few shells right before I walked in. I also knew I could benefit from some food to get me through the night. I ordered some french [freedom] fries, since I thought it would be lighter than a full meal, and fatty food taste GOOOOD after some shells :woot:.

Due to the time crunch, I ate the food right along with my heavy, hasty kava session. I walked into that show very very rooted and the rootedness sustained throughout the show, but my stomach felt very weird. it feels like kava numbs your stomach. That is a really unusual sensation when you've got a belly full of food.

in retrospect, I probably should have got a salad.
oh woops... I swore I put this in @wormwood 's thread about consuming kava on an empty stomach. Mods, feel free to move this if you would like.


Skål from Sweden!
My daughter lives with me but my sons lives with her.
I don't drink it everyday and not very much. In the evenings every other day.
We are on good terms. Custody doesn't work the same way in Sweden. It's hard to loose custody here. Alcoholic exhusbands who beat their children gets to keep custody a lot here.
I do worry about telling her, because I know she wouldn't like it. There isn't much she can do about it, bit I don't want to make things bad between us.


Skål from Sweden!
Petit Biscuit. I'd call his style melodic progressive house. It was really amazing. I wouldn't want to drink a lot of kava and go to heavy WUBBY or DUbstep style EDM. Too loud.

This music was perfect though. I was swimming the whole time. I wish I could order shells while I was in the venue.
Ok... I don't know what that is. I mostly listen to abstract nosies and random sounds. Like Kakophonie Wreck.

Deleted User01

Only wife is the only one who knows I do kava and she never says anything bad because she likes me better on kava than alcohol. She is a total goody two shoes teetotaler and she probably wonders why I need anything. Honestly, she could use something like Kava but her reply will always be, "No Way!".


Skål from Sweden!
Only wife is the only one who knows I do kava and she never says anything bad because she likes me better on kava than alcohol. She is a total goody two shoes teetotaler and she probably wonders why I need anything. Honestly, she could use something like Kava but her reply will always be, "No Way!".
I think my ex/part time lover could use a shell sometimes! She goes postal sometimes.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Yeah I don't think people have the right to be mad at any one for something that they don't understand... being mad about drinking kava is being mad at someone for drinking coffee.

Yet coffee is more addictive more dangerous and more likely to make you snappy and rude with your S.O
Case closed