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Straining Kava .... UK Problem - Advise Please!


Kava Curious
Hello Everyone,

I recently received 2 muslin bags from Amazon and LOADS of root powder escaped into the drink.

I had 10 Tablespoons yesterday of Magic Malekula.....it was ok I guess...no euphoria but yes to relaxation and anxiety.

I wanted to know what people from the UK are using to strain and prepare their Kava and where to order the equipment from.

Also - how many grams or heaped tablespoons is normal for a days Kava?

Thank You!


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I can't help you with the dose but 10 tablespoons sounds like a lot. For straining I have found a normal tea strainer works just fine.


Kava Curious
what the metal mesh one?

I thought nylon etc. was the best way

Even I'm surprised at the dosage I'm using.... Need to know more about that


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Yes, the old fashioned normal one. I have found that over straining is not good (we are still talking kava ;-) ) , the fine silty stuff is fine and seems to have the best effect. A tea strainer gets out the big fibrous parts of the root but still allows the silt to get through.

From what I have read it can take time for you to get the full effect from it, reverse tolerance, but still 10 tbs is a lot. I don't know anything about the brand you have either but maybe try a different brand. I have read of people getting a good effect from just 1 tablespoon so maybe have to try a different brand or different mixing method. I used a blender last night and it seemed to work great.


Kava Curious
Thanks man!

But how exactly do you use a tea strainer?? put Kava in strainer and 'press it down' using a spoon..... if I immerse it in water then water pressure will flood and push all the Kava out.

Ok so bit of 'rooty silt' is fine ...gotcha

Know any good Kava's or better yet - Instant Kavas that give this euphoric effect - like for a party where I can't drink alcohol??

Thanks Bro


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Well I only did it for the first time last night myself but I used a blender with half a cup of Vanuatu waka grade root powder from realkava.com and mixed half a cup of powder with 4 cups of water and some ginger. At first I tried it in a cafetiere but that was a bit messy and wasteful. After that I used the strainer... after blending just pour it through the strainer into another pot. You will need to empty the strainer half way through.

I have only just ordered some instant and I'm waiting for it to come but the root powder I used last night seemed to work ok :)


I'm interested in things
My favorite kind of strainer is women's knee-high pantyhose. I believe in the UK they are called "Granny stockings" lol. Muslin bags tend to rip very easily in my experience. I would not recommend a tea strainer, because you need to knead it a lot--if you're kneading, that is. If you are using the blender method it might work.


I'm interested in things
Also 10 tablespoons is plenty. For a "session" I will typically use half a cup or 8 tablespoons, to give me 4 moderately strong servings.


exit stage left
I am also a fan of women's stockings for my kava prep. Muslin bags rip easily, in my experience.


Kava Curious
Thanks for the response guys

Whilst we're here..... I wanted some advice also on eating and Kava on effects and anything else etc.....


Kava Curious

Thanks.... I think they supply the UK provider I've ordered from so far

Might try some of their other stuff though


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
You can use any finely woven fabric in a pinch, but pantyhose or paint strainer bags are good cuz they resist water more. Simply filtering kava through a metal strainer works but is incredibly wasteful. All the remaining kava in the strainer would still have plenty of kavalactones that could be released by kneading. Very fine silt is normal to drinks and is what gives you potency. 8-10tbsp per night is what I typically drink, that dosage is quite normal for some but too strong for others. However, it is considered closer to average/traditional Vanuatu strength.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Definitely takes away the effects alot if you eat right before.. I chugged 2 tbsp. Of Fiji ghk yesterday morning on empty stomach and holy shit haha I was feeling amazing ... that's when I realized the full potential of the empty stomach. Wait 20 minutes or so and then eat ... you'll want to anyway haha


Kava Curious

I've just had a bowl of pasta and am thinking of making some more kava.

How long or rather whats the shortest time I can do so without having a diminished effect in terms of potency ??

Thank you All


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
several hours
So is it ok to have your first one or two shells and then have something small to eat like maybe a slice of toast or something to help keep your stomach settled and then have some more kava after? I've read of people doing this but are they just wasting kava?