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Not feeling the kava as much all of a sudden...?

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John Bytell

Kava Enthusiast
So both me and my lady have been experiencing significantly less effects from kava than we used to. I have been drinking it for 1.5 yrs and she for about 9 months. Nothing has changed in the amount or prep. We always try new strains but have even experienced this with old familiar strains. The only thing I can think of is that maybe taking the supplement MSM is interfering?
Anyone experience this?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I went through a stage of not feeling that much no matter what I did. It came back after a while but I can't explain how or why.


itchin for kava
Lately I have been supplimenting with amino acids,Tyrosine,Tryptothan,Gaba and Taurine olong with B6 and D. It is really helping with mood and energy and various ailments I and many others are suffering with. I have noticed over the course of the last week of this as my anxiety and depression is lifting in a dramatic way, that kava is going the other way. I mean that it seems the less I need its effects the less I get. Last night I ended up using 4 Aluballs of my Borugu and F'uu mix that I have been using for months at only 2 or 3 balls at the most. I could barely achieve my desired level and decided to knock off and just eat dinner, and by that time it was 9:30. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues as I continue with the amino acids and increase my neurotransmiters.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
One thing I found is that the occasional super strong session that knocks you on your ass helps things along. If I start getting dwindling returns I'll mix up a batch with about double what I usually use mixed into 4 shells. I'll drink the first one and then if that doesn't work after about 30 mins have the next and keep going. I find sheer quantity of KL's does the job eventually and the next time I drink kava it seems to kick in again. Of course you need to be careful not to drink all of the super strong batch if you do start getting major rooted or at least spread it out by a lot more time for the last few shells. I have on a few occasions not drunk all of it, didn't need to.

John Bytell

Kava Enthusiast
I would consider myself somewhat of a lightweight compared to pros who have been drinking for years. Two aluballs is usually enough for the evening session for me.
Am I just getting a bit of a tolerance since I've been drinking now for about a year.5? Plenty of talk of REVERSE tolerance but not much about normal tolerance.
Even if that WAS the case...it seems strange to notice that 'all of a sudden' instead of gradually...

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
How much Kava does or doesn't affect me seems to depend entirely on my state of mind.
For me there's two sets of kava effects. The immediate effects that kick in within 10 to 30 minutes and which last from 20 minutes to an hour or even more. Then there's the effects that last for a couple of days at least. I've had occasions where I'd had a meal or something came up that I had to deal with and I wasn't really in the zone for kava for the immediate effects. Nothing bad happened, I just missed the kava bus. But I never missed the other effects. My dreams were still great, I still felt great. I just don't worry about it. The zone will keep till the next time when I can get there, no big thing, it was still good. It's always best for me if I'm just sitting and not doing anything, no distractions, but that isn't always possible. That's OK. Sounds crazy but I feel like kava waits for me, for when I'm ready. So I don't have to feel like I'm missing anything. No worries.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
How much Kava does or doesn't affect me seems to depend entirely on my state of mind.

We should talk more about the stage of "listening to the kava". Sometimes it's not the kava that's out of sync, it's us. An example being that if I watch a really intense movie with tons of jumps and scares, then immediately drink kava, it fails to even slightly do anything. I've done it a few times just to see, and every time it's as if I had swapped my grog for a glass of water. On the other hand, those days when my mind is clear, and nothing external is amping me up artificially....kava can and will aquatint me with the floor very completely.

Deleted User01

I got news for you guys, I get effects whether I'm listening or not. The first shell of Moi in the afternoon gives me an instant buzz. Then the next shell of Nene mellows me out and sets me up for the night. I have been paying attention to this. My tolerance seems be getting lower as I get older and as I keep dem kavs in my bloodstream. There is never a day when I say, "Aw man, I didn't get a buzz from that last shell".
So I think we should also talk about those of us who get "big effects" from small amounts of kava. Here is a theory. When I start at 3:30, I'm already worn out (been up since 5am) and it's been 3 hours since my last meal. Maybe that's the ideal setup.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I got news for you guys, I get effects whether I'm listening or not. The first shell of Moi in the afternoon gives me an instant buzz. Then the next shell of Nene mellows me out and sets me up for the night. I have been paying attention to this. My tolerance seems be getting lower as I get older and as I keep dem kavs in my bloodstream. There is never a day when I say, "Aw man, I didn't get a buzz from that last shell".
So I think we should also talk about those of us who get "big effects" from small amounts of kava. Here is a theory. When I start at 3:30, I'm already worn out (been up since 5am) and it's been 3 hours since my last meal. Maybe that's the ideal setup.
Being tired basically guarantees that my kava will floor me. You're on to something there.

John Bytell

Kava Enthusiast
Ok so .... to clarify. My kava routine has not changed. It is....Mix kava, drink kava(on empty stomach), go sit on the couch and listen to the kava.
It definitely is not as noticable if you are active after you drink it. This is not the case here. It's just not doing what it did even a month ago.
I have had times when this happened and then the next time everything was back to normal. This has been an issue for several weeks now.

Deleted User01

Don't get me wrong on the effects I get on my regular afternoon Moi Shell, I don't get floored with that. When I do the Moi, it gives me a quick pick me up. Changes my attitude immediately so I can get some more production. Now if I hit the Hanakapi Ai', it would be "Goodnite Gracie" or I would get "floored". And sometimes I do that on Friday. Oh I can still talk to people on the phone and stuff but there will be no more "brainwork" for the day. Honestly, I have always believed that I have the perfect receptors in my human chemistry for kava. It was love at first sight. And here's the kicker, I don't get dermo. In fact the dermatitis I used to get around my eye lashes (before kava) is doing better than ever.
P.S. I also no longer have to take my daily dose of electro-shock therapy. That little personal electro-shock bonnet I keep near my desk has been dormant for years now. Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you 'bout dat. :D


Kava aficionado
Don't get me wrong on the effects I get on my regular afternoon Moi Shell, I don't get floored with that. When I do the Moi, it gives me a quick pick me up. Changes my attitude immediately so I can get some more production. Now if I hit the Hanakapi Ai', it would be "Goodnite Gracie" or I would get "floored". And sometimes I do that on Friday. Oh I can still talk to people on the phone and stuff but there will be no more "brainwork" for the day. Honestly, I have always believed that I have the perfect receptors in my human chemistry for kava. It was love at first sight. And here's the kicker, I don't get dermo. In fact the dermatitis I used to get around my eye lashes (before kava) is doing better than ever.
P.S. I also no longer have to take my daily dose of electro-shock therapy. That little personal electro-shock bonnet I keep near my desk has been dormant for years now. Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you 'bout dat. :D
More like love at first gulp :D

John Bytell

Kava Enthusiast
Ok so .... to clarify. My kava routine has not changed. It is....Mix kava, drink kava(on empty stomach), go sit on the couch and listen to the kava.
It definitely is not as noticable if you are active after you drink it. This is not the case here. It's just not doing what it did even a month ago.
I have had times when this happened and then the next time everything was back to normal. This has been an issue for several weeks now.
I'm taking some days to cleanse my system a bit and see if that helps...


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
For me there's two sets of kava effects. The immediate effects that kick in within 10 to 30 minutes and which last from 20 minutes to an hour or even more. Then there's the effects that last for a couple of days at least. I've had occasions where I'd had a meal or something came up that I had to deal with and I wasn't really in the zone for kava for the immediate effects. Nothing bad happened, I just missed the kava bus. But I never missed the other effects. My dreams were still great, I still felt great. I just don't worry about it. The zone will keep till the next time when I can get there, no big thing, it was still good. It's always best for me if I'm just sitting and not doing anything, no distractions, but that isn't always possible. That's OK. Sounds crazy but I feel like kava waits for me, for when I'm ready. So I don't have to feel like I'm missing anything. No worries.
It definitely sticks around in your system for a good long while. Just a weird example... I have issues with my body not using all the kava, I have to drink with milk to get it to work fully or the next day I can get a big rush in the morning which can be unpleasant when I'm driving at the time! When I was on holiday last year I was drinking my usual sort of kava dose in the evening with the milk as usual. I went to the seaside and had fish and chips... proper British fish and chips in Cornwall... and the fat in the batter gave me a kava rush from the kava from the night before. Really odd but quite pleasant that time. I have no idea how that works.

@John Bytell everyone has just taken over the thread for their own purposes but it is all kind of related. This tends to happen as I'm sure you're aware, no disrespect meant by anyone :) . I still say you maybe need to up your dose to something you consider extremely large and just go for it... judge how you feel after each shell before drinking the next and mix more if required. Just be careful not to upset your stomach with it too. I'm sure you've said above but are you using the same kava or different ones? I think drinking different kavas might help, mixes it up a bit?

John Bytell

Kava Enthusiast
It definitely sticks around in your system for a good long while. Just a weird example... I have issues with my body not using all the kava, I have to drink with milk to get it to work fully or the next day I can get a big rush in the morning which can be unpleasant when I'm driving at the time! When I was on holiday last year I was drinking my usual sort of kava dose in the evening with the milk as usual. I went to the seaside and had fish and chips... proper British fish and chips in Cornwall... and the fat in the batter gave me a kava rush from the kava from the night before. Really odd but quite pleasant that time. I have no idea how that works.

@John Bytell everyone has just taken over the thread for their own purposes but it is all kind of related. This tends to happen as I'm sure you're aware, no disrespect meant by anyone :) . I still say you maybe need to up your dose to something you consider extremely large and just go for it... judge how you feel after each shell before drinking the next and mix more if required. Just be careful not to upset your stomach with it too. I'm sure you've said above but are you using the same kava or different ones? I think drinking different kavas might help, mixes it up a bit?
No offense taken.
Interesting. I have some digestive issues and that could be playing a role in what's happening lately to me.
Right now I have about 8 different strains on hand. I usually have a different one every time. I'll give it another go this weekend. Usually when I drink excessive amounts of kava I just feel shitty, so I tend to stop short of that. Also .....maybe worth noting that I prefer not to have multiple shells but I mix up 2 alluballs in 8 oz of water and drink it all down at once and rarely go back the same night for seconds. Sometimes I'll do a 2nd wash but most of the time the first one is all I want/need.
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