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reverse tolerance or no response or...

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
My experience with kava was that it took a long time for beneficial effects to kick in, even with daily use. I started with a month of low doses, 1 or 2 tablespoons of medium grind each day. Only when I started noticing increased effects did I increase dosage. Even so I still didn't get very very strong effects until after 3 months or so. But when that kicked in, it did so very powerfully and completely changed my life, as it did for my wife. It fixed pretty much every problem I had ( although it's a cosmic coincidence that my matrix of problems were of the kind that kava is uniquely qualified to fix, so I am probably an anomaly, just a happy fluke), even problems I didn't know I had and things I didn't know we're problems. The process was very instructive.

I am so glad I was patient and held on at the beginning, going slowly and, because I didn't know what to expect, had no real expectations, just wanted to use up the three pounds I had bought rather than throw them out. I was determined to give kava every chance, even though for the first month I had no real reason not to think kava was all placebo effect.

Except for those dreams..... My god, the dreams, oh the dreams, every night a wonderland exploding in my head.....

Go Krunk Yourself

Kava Enthusiast
My experience with kava was that it took a long time for beneficial effects to kick in, even with daily use. I started with a month of low doses, 1 or 2 tablespoons of medium grind each day. Only when I started noticing increased effects did I increase dosage. Even so I still didn't get very very strong effects until after 3 months or so. But when that kicked in, it did so very powerfully and completely changed my life, as it did for my wife. It fixed pretty much every problem I had ( although it's a cosmic coincidence that my matrix of problems were of the kind that kava is uniquely qualified to fix, so I am probably an anomaly, just a happy fluke), even problems I didn't know I had and things I didn't know we're problems. The process was very instructive.

I am so glad I was patient and held on at the beginning, going slowly and, because I didn't know what to expect, had no real expectations, just wanted to use up the three pounds I had bought rather than throw them out. I was determined to give kava every chance, even though for the first month I had no real reason not to think kava was all placebo effect.

Except for those dreams..... My god, the dreams, oh the dreams, every night a wonderland exploding in my head.....
This is good to know. I'm a bit down on not really "feeling" the kava I'm taking to the degree I would like. It's good to hear your story.


Kava Enthusiast
Yes, his story help me a lot, too.

I feel more now. It makes me calmer. But still no "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" feeling
And not for long time.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
It was worth the wait and I didn't even know what I was waiting for.

I had a realization this morning that I have not gotten angry or upset about anything in the last 5 months. Oh, there are things I don't like or that I think are wrong, but I deal just deal with them, fix what I can and forget what I can't, and I do it calmly and rationally. Makes me so much more productive at work and at home, and people tell me I am better company and look happier.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
What is the optimal quantity ratio of kava to liquid?
I can only weigh in on what my opinion is here, and not what is a "fact". Others will have different opinions, I think.

In the first case I think kava is only indicated for weak or mild anxiety. Severe anxiety requires medical attention. That being said, I think one must also distinguish between prevention or maintenance (case 1) , when you drink kava when you are not feeling any immediate anxiety, and direct treatment of feelings of anxiety currently being felt, and in the latter, I would also draw a distinction between a general feeling of anxiety (case 2) versus a brief "episode" where the anxiety flares up beyond just a general feeling of anxiety (case 3), although not an anxiety attack, which is a severe episode of extreme anxiety that feels just like a heart attack except it isn't a heart attack. Unfortunately, many people who have never experienced an actual anxiety attack refer to those flare up episodes as an anxiety attack just because it seems so powerful, and also because it feels like some kind of an attack, relatively brief in duration, in comparison to the constant level of anxiety they usually feel.

So, with those distinctions in mind, I think the optimal ratio of medium grind (using average quality Fijian waka) to water is:

1. Maintenance and prevention: 6 TBS (40g) medium grind to 1L water. Drink 100 ml a day for weak anxiety or 200ml a day for mild anxiety. This is what one takes after one's condition has stabilized and one has no current symptoms of anxiety. Use Manoan prep for this.

2. Treatment of general feelings of anxiety: 8 TBS (50g) medium grind to 1L water. Drink 100 ml for weak anxiety or 200 ml for mild anxiety once every 20 minutes until the symptoms start to go down. Then revert to the maintenance dosage. If feelings of anxiety come back, go back to this treatment dose until they go down again. Use Manoan prep for this.

3. To tamp down a sudden flare up of anxiety feelings which is less severe than an anxiety attack: 3 TBS (20g) of medium grind to 175ml taken as a single dose. Use the blend and strain prep for this.

4. Anxiety attack: there is no kava treatment for this. Seek immediate medical attention, at a hospital emergency room if need be.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice. We have, however, found this protocol to be effective in treating and preventing mild anxiety for my wife.

I hope others will join in with their opinions and what works for them, especially if it differs from what I have said. I think then it's best to evaluate everything taken together.