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Former Hawaiian Kava Scam

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Thank God!
Truthfully that is exactly why he will never get the coordinators, I keep my largest farms a strict secret as to there location, very few people know about it and that is why I still have them and no theft problems.
It is a bigger problem than people might think, Pinner Creek Organics used to grow kava but they stopped last year because the thieves would keep stealing his kava. If you don't have some one living on the property there is a good chance that the kava will be stolen. The only kava here in Hawaii that does not get stolen and is in the open for all to see is the ISA, nobody except Doug wants that stuff.

I've mentioned the idea before: Why not graft Isa stems onto noble roots. You would probably get a faster producing plant that would not get stolen. The increased speed, hardiness, and disease resistance should overcome the time expense to graft. Might be a small learning curve. Since the toxic components of the leaves and stems don't make their way down to the roots, you know that the non noble components of Isa wouldn't either. Just an idea that might make the farming easier for you in the long run and double the productivity.


Yaqona Dina
I've mentioned the idea before: Why not graft Isa stems onto noble roots. You would probably get a faster producing plant that would not get stolen. The increased speed, hardiness, and disease resistance should overcome the time expense to graft. Might be a small learning curve. Since the toxic components of the leaves and stems don't make their way down to the roots, you know that the non noble components of Isa wouldn't either. Just an idea that might make the farming easier for you in the long run and double the productivity.
This is just not possible. Kava stems are kinda "fleshy" and soft on the inside. I doubt they can be grafted at all, and I'm certain they can't grafted out in the field.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
This is the thing that most strikes me as odd. Vanuatu kava is distinct, it looks and tastes and feels like Vanuatu kava. And Hawaiian 'awa is distinct, it looks and tastes and feels like Hawaiian 'awa. They look, taste, feel, and chemotype totally different. No? I mean almost no similarities, unless it's all medicinal grade to be used for extraction into supplements. But as medium grind? for drinking? High class premium gourmet root? Couldn't virtually anyone spot the substitution right away? I mean,even a newbie-ish person? To risk everything on an obvious forgery sounds kind of.... far-fetched.

I'm trad prepping some awa as I write this, it looks distinctly Hawaiian, like no Vanuatu kava I've had or heard of or seen pictures of. But if there is some Vanuatu root like this, please tell me where I can buy some. I would have no problem with buying it from a vendor in Hawaii who had imported it for resale.
I could taste the difference between his Vanuatu grown boroguru and his Hawaiian grown. Very distinct, and you're spot on. Vanuatu kava has a very different flavor than Hawaiian.

Deleted User01

I've mentioned the idea before: Why not graft Isa stems onto noble roots. You would probably get a faster producing plant that would not get stolen. The increased speed, hardiness, and disease resistance should overcome the time expense to graft. Might be a small learning curve. Since the toxic components of the leaves and stems don't make their way down to the roots, you know that the non noble components of Isa wouldn't either. Just an idea that might make the farming easier for you in the long run and double the productivity.
It's a deal. Let's become partners and make a presentation on "Shark Tank". But first we pass out some instant kava to mellow them out first.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
We all know that Doug posted a new blog about be and I wanted to break it down to cover it in detail, here it is---
I want to take the time to address some issues that Doug brought up in his most recent post on his blog. I will go part by part to make it easy to address all the topics.

Doug--Yesterday (Thursday 13/7) I made some statements based on information I had received about Gourmet Hawaiian Kava.

Yes Doug did say a lot about GHK and others like TK and the kava forums, the things he said was lies and not warranted at all, with no proof to back up his claims, maybe that is why he deleted the video and his blog post about it.

Doug--There have been a constellation of sources that have noticed what look like inaccurate claims by Gourmet Hawaiian Kava and their project on the Big Island of Hawaii.

He says that he (Doug) and a constellation of sources have seen something that makes them think I make inaccurate claims. yet he does not mention these claims so I can defend myself against them, notice he says "what look like inaccurate claims" If he actually had proof then it would not look like it, there would be proof but he has yet to show us any proof of any of his accusations.
I am well respected in the kava community here in Hawaii and abroad, many people have seen my kava farms and that includes locals, guests from the mainland even kava forum members and even scientists that work with kava, in fact Dr. Schmidt will be coming to visit me again next year.
I have been a prominent kava grower and expert in Hawaii for over 30 years.

Doug---Knowing these sources to be reliable, I jumped the gun and wrote an editorial that went too far verbally in criticizing Gourmet Hawaiian Kava.

Again he mentions reliable sources but never provides any evidence to prove his false accusations, and yes he did jump the gun when he wrote his first blog about all of this and then deleted it.

Doug---However, my intention was to start a conversation about possible inappropriate relationships between a Kava testing company and this Kava vendor. I was also inquiring into allegations that he imports and improperly labels Vanuatu Kava as Hawaiian Kava.

So here he says that I have an inappropriate relation with a kava testing company, he means True Kava. This is unfounded and simply not true, do all the other members of TK have this too? No they don't and neither do I. I ask Doug to show us how it is not appropriate.
Then Doug says that I import kava from Vanuatu and I label it as Hawaiian. I know that I have been in the kava industry for 30 years and Doug is only 36 years old now so I would say that I have had time to try kava from all over the Pacific where it grows and I can tell you that there is no way I can pass off Vanuatu kava for Hawaiian, there is a different flavor that you can not mistake
And again he has no proof of his accusations. In his first blog about this, the one he deleted he said I import hundreds of kilos of kava from Vanuatu, this is so false it is ridiculous. If this were true then he should be able to prove it but he can't because this is not true, it is simple as that.

Doug--- As this inquiry expands and more information is forthcoming, I will leave it to my readers to decide what to believe. I made it clear in my statement that these were alleged infractions and never claimed that he was guilty. I didn’t libel or slander Gourmet Hawaiian Kava.

I would love to see the forth coming information that proves all these bad things I am doing but it will never happen because it is not true. Then Doug says that he made it clear that these are alleged infractions and he is not making any claims but he is making claims with no proof and that is slanderous, this is why I have contacted my lawyer so we can put a stop to Doug's nonsense.

Doug---I will still move forward with starting a new forum, as I and my family received several threats from members on the current forum, including the owner of Gourmet Hawaiian Kava saying “he [meaning myself] is toast.” I don’t take these threats lightly. The threat caused me great anguish as I was promised to be “sued into oblivion.”

Here Doug says he will start his own forum and that is his right, I wish him well in that endeavor.
Then he mentions threats, well when he says slanderous things about me and I say I am going to sue him that is not a threat that is a legitimate reaction to protect my good name and to stop the false accusations and slanderous remarks. And it is my right as a US citizen to take him to court to settle issues like this. There is no threat, this is what you get when you say things that are not true Doug. If you feel threatened then don't say things like that.

Doug---I do suffer from PTSD from some experiences I had in South Sudan – including seeing people including women and children raped and murdered. This was also deployed as a way of attacking me and my service to humanity. I was very saddened to see this behavior come from fellow Kava drinkers. To see war and come out of it with psychological issues is not a joke– or a tactic to be used in an online debate.

Well Doug, I am sorry that you suffer from PTSD and in my posts to you I mentioned that if you do have PTSD that you should seek help for it, I never made fun of it, I never debated it, in fact I made it clear that if this was the case that you should seek help, for your own good, I never made fun of you having PTSD not did I ever doubt it. I know people with PTSD and when they start acting like you have been then they themselves know enough to go and get some help. PTSD is real and you can not cope with it by yourself, you need to seek professional help.

Doug---It was completely inappropriate, abusive, and is currently causing me great mental anguish. I have not decided whether to take actions against the people that brought this up. Nonetheless, some of the anger and passion I put into the piece I wrote about Gourmet Hawaiian Kava stems from some of my lingering psychological issues.

Nothing inappropriate was said about you and your PTSD so the anguish you feel could be from your false accusations or something else but it is not me, I never put your PTSD down or made fun of your situation. Again, plese show proof of this.

Doug---My intention was not to defame anyone or cause damages to them. This has already been done by them themselves, such as when they threatened to attack another vendor with a “samurai sword” and “chop them into pieces.” Threatening to murder a competitor is hardly noble (no pun intended). Let us also not forget the extensive paper trail of attacks on the quality of others vendors’ Kava and integrity. I am hardly the only one to engage in extravagant language when it comes to the Kava world.

It sound like your directing this at me (GHK), this is crazy, I never threatened anyone with a Samurai sword much less saying I am going to chop them into pieces. This is another false accusation with no proof, again I say, no proof and I would never threaten to murder someone.
If there is a paper trail of attacks on the quality of others vendors’ Kava and integrity then you should be able to provide that proof but we have yet to see any proof from anything you have said.
Looking more and more like slander to me, murder is a strong accusation.

Doug---It is unfortunate that in this community there is so much angst. Kava is a drink of peace. However, I don’t believe it is the responsibility of myself and my family to bear the cross for the wrongdoings of members of the wider community.

It is unfortunate that all of this is going on but you were the one who started it all. So your responsible for the way your feeling now.

Doug---And before I close, I’d like to propose a simple solution to some of the confusion. A decade or so ago, Google Earth was invented. I use Google Earth to map my own cocoa plots in Ghana, West Africa. I have to struggle with horrible resolution. The resolution in Hawaii, however, could get us right into the mosaics of heart-shaped Hiwa leaves. Gourmet Hawaiian Kava could simply show us these fields of diverse and wonderful Kava on Google Earth and the debate would be settled. So far, I haven’t been able to locate an address or area on Google Earth that shows a 20 acre, well-maintained Kava farm. I don’t always get brilliant ideas, but I feel pretty good about this one. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

This will never happen, I will never show you (Doug) my kava farms, yes I have more than one.
The people who have already seen my farms and my kava and the ones who will come to see it in the future is proof enough for everyone and I do not need to prove to myself what I already know. I walk through my kava farms every day. The debate of weather I have a kava farm or not is only in your mind. The reality, is, in everyone else's mind and the reality is true, I have kava farms.
So to sum things up, all we have from Doug is words, no proof and nothing to back up his slanderous accusations. I really feel bad for Doug, to be so sick in the mind with his PTSD to come up with stuff like this toward me, True Kava and the Kava Forums.
Please Doug seek some help and get better. Your not the Doug that most people have come to know and love. These people love your kava reviews and now they are concerned about your heath. Please seek some help, get better and get back to reviewing kava.
Most of all, please stop all the accusations, I do not want to have to force you to stop by legal means but if you keep it up I will be forced to because you still spew out accusations with no proof.
Aloha to all.

I posted this exact post on Doug's blog and it is awaiting approval, I hope he lets it stay there for people to see and I hope he does not delete it. Seems to me if he has all the proof and nothing to hide then he will leave it up on his blog for all to see. It is the truth after all. Time will tell. Aloha.


Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Chris, you should just do a video tour of your large farm if you're worried about thieves (As you rightfully should be. Kava theft is a problem all over the pacific). Not only would that shut up the non believers, but it would be super interesting for everyone else. Bula!

Ricardo Piquant

Chris, you should just do a video tour of your large farm if you're worried about thieves (As you rightfully should be. Kava theft is a problem all over the pacific). Not only would that shut up the non believers, but it would be super interesting for everyone else. Bula!
I have to agree with you on that. A video tour with no identifying features would not only be wildly interesting, but put this to rest instantly. Refusal to do so is not logical

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Chris, you should just do a video tour of your large farm if you're worried about thieves (As you rightfully should be. Kava theft is a problem all over the pacific). Not only would that shut up the non believers, but it would be super interesting for everyone else. Bula!
I have done several videos and will do more but you just cant beat seeing it in person. I have said it before, a lot of people, kava forum members, kava vendors, kava scientists have seen my kava and they all know what I do. I am sure there will be others that will stop by if they visit Hawaii. I am hoping to meet with a vendor and member of the kava forums soon, that will be a great experience.
As I have said with time you might be able to see it for yourself but by continually asking for proof and coming up with ways to ask me for proof, this tells me you still do not believe me and what I do. Aloha.

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