Yeah exactly, that force is the pain body. Its old emotional pain that comes out to feed. When consciousness or spirituality arises in you, it reacts with increasing anxiety so to speak , because it has a natural inclination toward survival, and when you identify with the old emotions you dont want them to die either and it becomes imbued with more fear. There is old pain which is from past resistance and new pain, which is created by resistance to what is now. This adds to the pain and then it receeds and you feel good for another few hours or weeks or months even depending on the density of your particular pain body. Its almost an entity because you imbue it with self and you are real, but if you observe the energy the emotion, then there is you observing and the observed the emotion. This dis identifies consciousness from the emotion immediately and dramatically reduces its energy charge. depending on how alert you stay when this happens you may lose consciousness when the emotion fights back typically through intense body pressure or emotionally pain from the past comes up. but when you are not alert you don't know that it is old emotion . it seems like the only reality possible a hell of sorts and the world seems alien, foreign and antagonistic. The energy emanated by certain pain body's will actually attract negativity in the form of external situations to feed on or attract other people who's pain body is active and is unconsciously looking for trouble. many traffic accidents can happen by two people engaged in road rage meeting up. The law of attraction, that is similar vibrations attract each other. negatively charged thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency than positive thoughts and therefore can be fed on by the pain body. Emotion is the bodies reaction to thought. You think you may go bankrupt and your body creates the fear reaction no different than if a bear was about to maul you. the difference is the thought can be unreal , but the emotion is real and therefore has no outlet. if there was a bear then you could run or fight. and the energy is there for it... if you cannot do anything because your in your bed at night at 3 am thinking about your problems and they are generating anxiety which if not accepted totally that is to say experienced fully becomes merged in the cells of the body with the other emotions that vibrate similarly and creates the suffering of the world when added together with the diversity of energy levels, social backgrounds and overall social history of our planet and individual chemistry.