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Kava and dark spirits

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Anyone ever got so krunk that they felt some bad vibes? Drugs and alcohol can also open doors.I got too krunk yesterday and it got weird.say a prayer before drinking kava.it is said that shamans use kava to connect with spirit world. It makes a lot of sense that dark spirits would mess with you on kava. Many people in mental hospitals can actually see stuff that we don't there not crazy. Anyways be careful with kava. I feel anxious today and it's not even a normal type of anxious. It's a dark side type of anxious dark gloomy heavy feeling.
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Deleted User01

You are describing Tudei effects. When I do too much of the "heavy type" of kava, I can feel headachy the next day. l also wake up in a bad mood. So I mostly stick to noble heady kavas which give me the mellow kava shield the next day. My advice, go easy on the heavy kavas and perhaps cut your dose down until you get the right balance. I will also add that there are lot of people who can handle the heavier kavas but I'm not one of them.


This isn't Tudei. I had kwk loa waka
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Deleted User01

Sorry, I didn't say it was Tudei, I just said that the effects can be Tudei-ish and with some heavy kavas. I'm not sure loa waka meets the criteria of heavy kava and I need to research that on Mikes web site. So try reducing the dose. How many shells did you do to get the bad vibes? Did you space them out every 20 minutes? When Kava hits you in a bad way, you need to find a plausible explanation or just deduce that you are having a bad reaction to either that particular kava or all kavas in general. It's no fun for sure. And you are not the first to bring this up either. Good luck in your quest.

P.S. I checked his site. It says that Fijians like lighter kavas because they drink it all day long. But .... this one is very, very strong but also balanced. So cut the dose down. That one is a humdinger.


Kava Enthusiast
I confess I fail to see the sense in that. Unless you mean telemarketers. I just don't answer the phone.
I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make light of a serious topic because I know how terrifying it can be, but that right there @Krunkie McKrunkface made me laugh so damn hard! I was drinking water unfortunately when I read it and it came clean out my nose! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Kava O.G.
Just a suggestion here. But some people don't do well on psychoactive plants because their brain chemistry just doesn't sync with it. Case in point: a person close to me has schizophrenia and kava throws him off for 2 days. It keeps him awake and hyper.

Not saying you have a brain illness, but everyone is different. Just like how mj isn't for everyone either.

I really like Deleted User01's suggestions and think you should try those first.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Just a suggestion here. But some people don't do well on psychoactive plants because their brain chemistry just doesn't sync with it. Case in point: a person close to me has schizophrenia and kava throws him off for 2 days. It keeps him awake and hyper.

Not saying you have a brain illness, but everyone is different. Just like how mj isn't for everyone either.

I really like Deleted User01's suggestions and think you should try those first.
That's what I should have said because that's a lot closer to what I meant. You said that really well.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Anything can do this.
At the end of day the point is to realize that even If a negative connection is created. Staying conscious and in your body is key.
There is no such thing as evil. Just energy that forgets it's the source and so seeks fuel outside of itself.
When this energy is fear it will incite fear to feed on.. it's not a person or ghost just energy looking for a similar frequency to feed on or else it dissolves... every form is imbued with the desire to live. Survival instincts. Negativity is no different.
If your identity is bound up in negative states... even if it's the idea that your Not negative . Then it will be your constant companion because who are you without it ?


Evil does exist. Let's not get caught up in that deep mystical philosophy about how it's only our point of view. Killing is evil isn't it? Point of view or not the world is dark and twisted. Killing or raping a baby is evil but so is
Looking at homeless like trash and having no compassion and not helping others. Modern humanity is dark. We're not in some kind of heavenly realm this is a sick place. Gangsters and sluts are having kids at a faster rate . Having a different opinion is considered mental illness. Male female relationship ruined .were enslaved to a piece of paper and people are way too comfortable with telling lies and so much more things are wrong. Modern humanity is a buffet for dark beings which is why they hav socially engineered a dark society to turn it into a buffet.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
No I don't see murder as evil.
There have been people on death row who became immensely peaceful and woke up to their inner indestructability as consciousness itself. Beyond all form.

Be aware that your perspective about evil and the fact that your experiencing negativity may not be a coincidence. Cannabis and other psychedelic's definitely can open channels that are negative and you need to stay centered for those experiences. Kava may be no different. Who's to say ?

Are you offended personally at the idea that evil does not exist? Can you maybe sense a part of your identity is wrapped up in being "not evil" or some other variation? Who would you be if evil didn't exist ?

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Resist not evil
This too shall pass
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Forgive thy enemies.

What these point to is not a philosophy but a state of consciousness where the basic core mechanism of the ego ( self ) and (not self ) amplified by the idea of enemies is dislodged.
This is not the state most of humanity is in... it is stuck in the intensity of ego . It's the basis for division . This is perceived by the ego as evil. And therefore feeds itself.


I get what you mean. In the bigger picture there's no such thing as light and dark. In the bigger picture all of this is meaningless any attempt to comprehend is simply our perspective. we are having an earthly experience right now and dark acts from a human perspective could be considered evil. Not everyone has the conscisosuness and perspective of a super monk. Point of view or not there is a force out there trying to destroy spirituality

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Yeah exactly, that force is the pain body. Its old emotional pain that comes out to feed. When consciousness or spirituality arises in you, it reacts with increasing anxiety so to speak , because it has a natural inclination toward survival, and when you identify with the old emotions you dont want them to die either and it becomes imbued with more fear. There is old pain which is from past resistance and new pain, which is created by resistance to what is now. This adds to the pain and then it receeds and you feel good for another few hours or weeks or months even depending on the density of your particular pain body. Its almost an entity because you imbue it with self and you are real, but if you observe the energy the emotion, then there is you observing and the observed the emotion. This dis identifies consciousness from the emotion immediately and dramatically reduces its energy charge. depending on how alert you stay when this happens you may lose consciousness when the emotion fights back typically through intense body pressure or emotionally pain from the past comes up. but when you are not alert you don't know that it is old emotion . it seems like the only reality possible a hell of sorts and the world seems alien, foreign and antagonistic. The energy emanated by certain pain body's will actually attract negativity in the form of external situations to feed on or attract other people who's pain body is active and is unconsciously looking for trouble. many traffic accidents can happen by two people engaged in road rage meeting up. The law of attraction, that is similar vibrations attract each other. negatively charged thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency than positive thoughts and therefore can be fed on by the pain body. Emotion is the bodies reaction to thought. You think you may go bankrupt and your body creates the fear reaction no different than if a bear was about to maul you. the difference is the thought can be unreal , but the emotion is real and therefore has no outlet. if there was a bear then you could run or fight. and the energy is there for it... if you cannot do anything because your in your bed at night at 3 am thinking about your problems and they are generating anxiety which if not accepted totally that is to say experienced fully becomes merged in the cells of the body with the other emotions that vibrate similarly and creates the suffering of the world when added together with the diversity of energy levels, social backgrounds and overall social history of our planet and individual chemistry.
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Kava Enthusiast
When I drink too much of a strong kava, I feel sort of disconnected from my body and panicky. Pot does me the same way, but much much worse. It's not an evil feeling on kava, but it can feel like I'm disconnecting to the physical world and moving to a more spiritual plane if that makes any sense. I suspect you are also more sensitive to forces both light and dark than the average person, like me. Psychoactive plants can open our minds up to other realms if you believe in shamanistic traditions held by native cultures all over the world, and I doubt they are all wrong.


Do all things with love
The energy emanated by certain pain body's will actually attract negativity in the form of external situations to feed on or attract other people who's pain body is active and is unconsciously looking for trouble. many traffic accidents can happen by two people engaged in road rage meeting up. The law of attraction, that is similar vibrations attract each other. negatively charged thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency than positive thoughts and therefore can be fed on by the pain body.
This, this exactly. Sometimes it can be helpful just realizing how powerful the words of thought truly are, as they are vehicles and amplifiers for what they represent, feelers seeking and calling for like. Sometimes simply speaking aloud an affirmation to maintain a grounded state and telling "bad vibes" that they aren't allowed can be enough to help you shift energy. We aren't meant to collect and draw "dark" energy.

That said, there are conditions and ailments of the physical body that can drastically impair our ability to make connections of any type. It's important to be mindful of and especially attentive to physical health if necessary.

Looking at and trying to reason through everything that is "wrong" probably won't yield meaningful answers, because the situations themselves are misguided and misplaced to begin with. Learning to meditate and address the root of such feelings could be a helpful way to deal with issues of negativity as they come up.


Mrbinx I mean there can be negativity from outside not from yourself. Yes we Shouldn't associate with our emotions someyimes it's just old energy but same time emotions can give you an idea.for example You feel bad why do you feel bad because your job sucks or whatever but emotions shouldn't be your main compass. Speaking of dark energy there are people in this world who survive off of arguments and putting others down. I beleive these
Ppl have gotten so low vibration that just end up becoming vehicles for the dark side. If you don't hav control over your mind It seems something else will.People who are constantly putting others down usually are unstable people. Psychology looks at it from a physical point of view as "putting others down because of low self esteem" I think it's just archon hijack. I mean maybe they're at a low point but a low point to where you hav to insult ppl all day and get into arguments to get energy? That's some creepy ass shit. That dark energy in arguments is going somewhere to feed darkness.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Yes the negativity is fed by more negativity. It is exactly a hijacking... the pain body is taken for self.. and therefore is able to link into the mind and take control. Some pain body's kill their host. This is suicide


Do you beleive in dark forces that feed off of negativity and can hijack people's minds?
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