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Anyone ever get feelings of both immense sadness AND happiness when drinking Kava?

David H.

Kava Curious
How can I describe it... That feeling when you're on vacation and you're looking over a beautiful mountain range in the Colorado Rockies. You're just filled with this blissful peace, the calmness, the beauty of it all, and the vastness of nature. But at the same you remember that beyond this beautiful, quiet landscape lies the bullshit of humanity. You remember you have to return to the rat race next week. You remember that awful bombing that was in the news recently. You wonder how people can be so horrid. The beauty of your surroundings collides with the sad reality of human nature. You feel small, helpless, finite, happy, and sad all at the same time. As if life is some tragically beautiful series of events where nothing actually matters.

That's the best way I can describe it. That's the feeling I get every time I drink Kava. Regardless of the strain. Anyone else relate. It's not the most comfortable feeling which is why I can only drink it 1-2X a week at most. It takes me through a wide range of emotions and usually forces me to get out my pen and paper and record my thoughts. I find I learn something new about the world, myself, or my perspective on life in every Kava session.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
How can I describe it... That feeling when you're on vacation and you're looking over a beautiful mountain range in the Colorado Rockies. You're just filled with this blissful peace, the calmness, the beauty of it all, and the vastness of nature. But at the same you remember that beyond this beautiful, quiet landscape lies the bullshit of humanity. You remember you have to return to the rat race next week. You remember that awful bombing that was in the news recently. You wonder how people can be so horrid. The beauty of your surroundings collides with the sad reality of human nature. You feel small, helpless, finite, happy, and sad all at the same time. As if life is some tragically beautiful series of events where nothing actually matters.

That's the best way I can describe it. That's the feeling I get every time I drink Kava. Regardless of the strain. Anyone else relate. It's not the most comfortable feeling which is why I can only drink it 1-2X a week at most. It takes me through a wide range of emotions and usually forces me to get out my pen and paper and record my thoughts. I find I learn something new about the world, myself, or my perspective on life in every Kava session.
What I believe this is due to is the fact that kava doesn't mess with your head. Normally when we "imbibe" we expect a full on numbing of our issues, the worlds problems and all anxieties of daily life. We look for a full on "mini-vacation", if you will. While it does do a good job of relieving daily anxiety, kava wont numb emotional pain like we expect from other substances. It wont erase feelings like other drugs do, and honestly I'm glad. One more check mark on the side of "non-addictive" for kava.

neeko b

Kava Curious
Definitely understand this.... I was thinking that Kava helps feelings bubble to the surface for processing and acceptance. I always thought Kava kind of made me feel like I had a good cry (Think I posted here about that once).


Kava Enthusiast
I'm just going to resonate with what everyone else said here. Kava is not an "escape" but allows one to be open to acceptance and understanding of why one would be trying to "escape". To me kava slows down my less logical "chimp" brain and I am able to process issues with my logical side of my brain. But the issues still exist... You are just no longer spinning in your mind about them, and actually able to process and accept.

Terrance J Goins JR

yes kava can do that i agree it can bring on your emotional rooted problems to the surface and give you a way to free from them in a positive way. I love that i can still feel shame and guilt but at the same time im able to resolve it without getting negative. The world simply looks very real and not fake anymore and everything comes to it's real senses this is not a bad thing it makes one a more aware person!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
yes kava can do that i agree it can bring on your emotional rooted problems to the surface and give you a way to free from them in a positive way. I love that i can still feel shame and guilt but at the same time im able to resolve it without getting negative. The world simply looks very real and not fake anymore and everything comes to it's real senses this is not a bad thing it makes one a more aware person!
Back in 2003, back in my college days, I was...a connoisseur of chemicals, so naturally I was interested in kava. I ended up purchasing kava extract from iamshaman. My roommate had excessive (and I do mean excessive) OCD issues. Bad enough where he would get up in the middle of the night to check to make sure his windows were closed and doors were locked on his car on a daily or semi-daily basis. One night I decided to get the extract out and have a go with it, having absolutely no knowledge of kava what-so-ever. We had no idea how to consume it, so we ended up dipping tostitos chips in it and eating it. At the time I didn't feel anything, maybe a placebo. I sort of wrote it off as a novelty, maybe something to try harder with later. It was at this time I looked over to my roommate. He had the most "mind blown" face I've seen a person have. He said "I see. I see clearly. My OCD is gone". He wouldn't stop talking about how he felt like he was seeing everything again for the first time. I knew at that point there was something more about kava that I just wasn't seeing. Glad it found me again later.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Back in 2003, back in my college days, I was...a connoisseur of chemicals, so naturally I was interested in kava. I ended up purchasing kava extract from iamshaman. My roommate had excessive (and I do mean excessive) OCD issues. Bad enough where he would get up in the middle of the night to check to make sure his windows were closed and doors were locked on his car on a daily or semi-daily basis. One night I decided to get the extract out and have a go with it, having absolutely no knowledge of kava what-so-ever. We had no idea how to consume it, so we ended up dipping tostitos chips in it and eating it. At the time I didn't feel anything, maybe a placebo. I sort of wrote it off as a novelty, maybe something to try harder with later. It was at this time I looked over to my roommate. He had the most "mind blown" face I've seen a person have. He said "I see. I see clearly. My OCD is gone". He wouldn't stop talking about how he felt like he was seeing everything again for the first time. I knew at that point there was something more about kava that I just wasn't seeing. Glad it found me again later.
now that's a story and a half!

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
It's fascinating... this topic is very accurate. Recently this has been hitting me more...and it's because I am going through an existential crisis.... the kava makes that more apparent. Sometimes it shoves it in my face. Very strongly. And only music takes me out of it. It's very interesting. When Im alone it becomes much more intense. Makes me realize the importance of community. Very very important.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
It's fascinating... this topic is very accurate. Recently this has been hitting me more...and it's because I am going through an existential crisis.... the kava makes that more apparent. Sometimes it shoves it in my face. Very strongly. And only music takes me out of it. It's very interesting. When Im alone it becomes much more intense. Makes me realize the importance of community. Very very important.
I still think if people need to shell together, and sometimes people do, there's always the virtual kava circle. Kava is cool alone, but it is also a wonderful wonderful social beverage, even if as in my case it is often just me and family I love sitting around shelling.


Kava Enthusiast
For me, being able to feel fully sad and okay with it brings a wholeness and happiness. Maybe Kava is trying to bring some peace to you. Like maybe it is good to think about the the things you are dreading returning to so that you can bring a sense of peace to those thoughts.


Kava Enthusiast
Au contraire, it is relaxing and encourages peaceful thinking and earthly things like cooking rather than thinking about future and past or seeking mental stimulation (smartphone). It it is not a strong emotion suppressor such as a certain South African antidepressant plant but it as if gently reduces unnecessary mental activity that causes grief, worry, guilt, diversion-seeking and such. I am not native English speaker but "blissful peace" or "idyllic peace" sound like exaggerations but point into the right diretion. I have not tried kava when I have been terribly upset or, more precisely, I have been moderately upset sometimes but I have already calmed down substantially by traditional preparation method when the drink is ready. However, when I do not feel the "heavy" or body effect of kava, I would be a little bit disappointed. Similarly, I would be a little bit disappointed when a commercial variety of a flower species lacks the smell of garden variety.


Kava Curious
I can relate. Tears of joy and sadness seem to come more readily, which is an effect I cherish. There are feelings of awe, wonder, and occasionally a sorrowful compassion that feels deeply filling and human. It is bittersweet, like cherry blossom petals wilting and fading below their parent tree. With kava, I am helped to remember the little ants beneath my feet so I may feel solidarity with them as living-and-dying creatures not so different from me after all. I feel like it wordlessly reminds me of what's most important in my life, stirring empathy and kindness. The other day I went out to sit on a hilltop overlooking a river. Hearing many different creatures calling and branches swaying, I was moved to happy tears of awe at such a rich and mysterious world which I am irrevocably woven into.

I wrote much of a book while I had been drinking kava. I get the feeling I wouldn't have written much at all if it weren't for the drink. It gets me thinking and in the mood to share my wonder with others so that we might be together as friends.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I can relate. Tears of joy and sadness seem to come more readily, which is an effect I cherish. There are feelings of awe, wonder, and occasionally a sorrowful compassion that feels deeply filling and human. It is bittersweet, like cherry blossom petals wilting and fading below their parent tree. With kava, I am helped to remember the little ants beneath my feet so I may feel solidarity with them as living-and-dying creatures not so different from me after all. I feel like it wordlessly reminds me of what's most important in my life, stirring empathy and kindness. The other day I went out to sit on a hilltop overlooking a river. Hearing many different creatures calling and branches swaying, I was moved to happy tears of awe at such a rich and mysterious world which I am irrevocably woven into.

I wrote much of a book while I had been drinking kava. I get the feeling I wouldn't have written much at all if it weren't for the drink. It gets me thinking and in the mood to share my wonder with others so that we might be together as friends.
I hope I’m not too forward in saying that this post makes me want to read your book. I’ve not had a comment bring up such deep emotions in me in a long time. Thank you.