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Anyone ever get feelings of both immense sadness AND happiness when drinking Kava?


Kava Curious
I hope I’m not too forward in saying that this post makes me want to read your book. I’ve not had a comment bring up such deep emotions in me in a long time. Thank you.
You are very welcome! I would be happy to leave a link here, hopefully it works. It's called Modest Light, it's available on Amazon. I feel like some areas of the book are better than others; it is like a patchwork or a forest complete with unsightly areas as well as (I hope) little gems and small tender shoots--ever evolving and changing, adapting to new demands and sloughing off old skin. Happy reading if you choose to check it out!

Amazon product

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
You are very welcome! I would be happy to leave a link here, hopefully it works. It's called Modest Light, it's available on Amazon. I feel like some areas of the book are better than others; it is like a patchwork or a forest complete with unsightly areas as well as (I hope) little gems and small tender shoots--ever evolving and changing, adapting to new demands and sloughing off old skin. Happy reading if you choose to check it out!

Amazon product
It’s on my kindle app now. Thank you again!


Kava Synchronized
You are very welcome! I would be happy to leave a link here, hopefully it works. It's called Modest Light, it's available on Amazon. I feel like some areas of the book are better than others; it is like a patchwork or a forest complete with unsightly areas as well as (I hope) little gems and small tender shoots--ever evolving and changing, adapting to new demands and sloughing off old skin. Happy reading if you choose to check it out!

Amazon product
Thanks. Just downloaded.


Kava enthusiast
How can I describe it... That feeling when you're on vacation and you're looking over a beautiful mountain range in the Colorado Rockies. You're just filled with this blissful peace, the calmness, the beauty of it all, and the vastness of nature. But at the same you remember that beyond this beautiful, quiet landscape lies the bullshit of humanity. You remember you have to return to the rat race next week. You remember that awful bombing that was in the news recently. You wonder how people can be so horrid. The beauty of your surroundings collides with the sad reality of human nature. You feel small, helpless, finite, happy, and sad all at the same time. As if life is some tragically beautiful series of events where nothing actually matters.

That's the best way I can describe it. That's the feeling I get every time I drink Kava. Regardless of the strain. Anyone else relate. It's not the most comfortable feeling which is why I can only drink it 1-2X a week at most. It takes me through a wide range of emotions and usually forces me to get out my pen and paper and record my thoughts. I find I learn something new about the world, myself, or my perspective on life in every Kava session.
I definitely get this. I'm a pretty pensive, introspective, and analytical person in general. This is one of the things that I appreciate about any substances or experiences in life in general; ones that allow a different perspective on life other than the one that I am used to (given I've analyzed my existence to death by now).

When I was younger, I had a habit of misplacing things, and one time, I really couldn't find it. I spent hours looking, to no avail. Eventually, I got down on my hands and knees and eventually was lying flat on the when I finally saw the object lying underneath a radiator grate. It was in that moment that it hit me, you can try to brute force your way through a problem, tearing through the blankets on a bed frantically searching, turning through boxes...but in this case, the easiest path was simply a change of perspective. I never forgot that lesson and have found it to apply to countless lessons in my life.

I see Kava as an extension to this end, a way of simply lying flat on the floor and viewing the same world you've seen a million times with a slightly different set of eyes to learn a lesson that you can take with you on the rest of your journey.