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Help requested looking for the right product.


Kava Lover
I love kava. I would write poetry about kava if more things rhymed with kava. Anyways, I have introduced several of my friends to kava. They have mostly been converted. However, I have a few friends (and a wife) that are interested in imbibing in our favorite root that are extremely turned off by the smell and taste. Now I have only been on my kava journey for a year and a few months. I have learned alot... Drunk alot... but I am still exploring. I am looking for a more palatable product, or good kava bar style recipe to introduce those picky people to our favorite mud water. I have tried KWK's concentrates and mints. I don't think that those products hit the mark for my needs as the concentrate is too weak and the mints taste a bit strange. Just wanted to see if we could get a good consensus on my issue.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I would write poetry about kava if more things rhymed with kava.
Palaver, cassava, costa brava, lava, fava, rather, lather.

Tongan kavas are usually a lot easier taste wise. If it's still an issue then maybe try mixing with either pineapple or mango juice. Pineapple sharp and tangy, mango just really sweet. Both work quite well.


Kava Lover
Fresh frozen is a good start.
I have yet to try fresh frozen kava. I have heard that the difference in flavor is night and day and that it is somewhat stronger. I am planning on trying Hawaiian Awa at some point this year now that I have recently bought a deep freeze and have the space to store it as I hunt and buy meat in bulk. (one half of the year it is jammed full of deer meat, the other half, about 1/6ths of a grass-fed cow.

Putting instant kava into capsules is an option for people who can't tolerate the taste of kava.
That sounds like a plan, but I don't think that it would be cost effective enough for me.

Palaver, cassava, costa brava, lava, fava, rather, lather.

Tongan kavas are usually a lot easier taste wise. If it's still an issue then maybe try mixing with either pineapple or mango juice. Pineapple sharp and tangy, mango just really sweet. Both work quite well.
Tongan kavas are great introductory kavas in my opinion. And the best tasting kavas in my opinion for beginners. I enjoy Pineapple and Mango, but my wife has an Pineapple allergy and can't stand the taste of mangos for whatever reason (rolls eyes). Would you say that any citrus should work?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Tongan kavas are great introductory kavas in my opinion. And the best tasting kavas in my opinion for beginners. I enjoy Pineapple and Mango, but my wife has an Pineapple allergy and can't stand the taste of mangos for whatever reason (rolls eyes). Would you say that any citrus should work?
I wouldn't try citrus fruits as it might be too acidic. I add milk to my kava as a potentiate. That alters the taste quite a bit and might be an option? I have used all milk in the past but these days use about a quarter milk to three quarters water. I remember the kava being a lot better tasting when it was mixed in all milk.

I think at the end of the day though there are some people that kava can't reach. If someone has an aversion to the taste that strongly then maybe it isn't for them. I see kava as something that you really have to want in your life. The flavour when you are not used to it is like a payment that you make, an investment almost. Once you get past that stage then you either can tolerate the taste or as I do actually come to enjoy it.


Kava Lover
I wouldn't try citrus fruits as it might be too acidic. I add milk to my kava as a potentiate. That alters the taste quite a bit and might be an option? I have used all milk in the past but these days use about a quarter milk to three quarters water. I remember the kava being a lot better tasting when it was mixed in all milk.

I think at the end of the day though there are some people that kava can't reach. If someone has an aversion to the taste that strongly then maybe it isn't for them. I see kava as something that you really have to want in your life. The flavour when you are not used to it is like a payment that you make, an investment almost. Once you get past that stage then you either can tolerate the taste or as I do actually come to enjoy it.
I agree with everything that you are saying. I use a small amount of heavy cream in my kava as a potentate and it does smooth out the taste a bit. Just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas that were a bit innovative.
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