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Is 6 tablespoons too much?


Hi I'm new and struggle to find info on the internet. I've been drinking about 6 tablespoons of kava every day over the course of the whole day I have completely lost my appetite and struggle to get down one meal a day. Is this a normal occurrence? Coincidentally im a chef so I'm around food all day.


Persist for Resistance!
Hi I'm new and struggle to find info on the internet. I've been drinking about 6 tablespoons of kava every day over the course of the whole day I have completely lost my appetite and struggle to get down one meal a day. Is this a normal occurrence? Coincidentally im a chef so I'm around food all day.
Kava can be a pretty strong appetite suppressant.. 6 Tbsp/day isn't extreme but too much will be the point it is causing you issues. I'd recommend drinking it later in the day after you've had your required meals. Kava isn't usually best drank throughout the day anyway unless you are using it to try to help with some medical issue.


Kava Enthusiast
It depends if you mean the "official" tablespoon measure (which is a small amount) or literally a tablespoon heaped as high as it will go (2-3" high), which is a good amount. I tend to drink 3 fully heaped tablespoons but only from 5pm-9ish. Like you I can't eat after that, but always have a good breakfast & lunch.
Long term drinking 6 heaped tablespoons all day every day won't do you much good - your skin will dry up & the poor diet will start to have effects (low iron etc)