I just recently read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (great book) and it basically stresses paying attention to repetitive thought patterns such as anxious thoughts and allowing yourself to witness these thoughts from an observers point of view. In other words "be aware of when your brain is trying to think and you have no desire for it do so." Then ask yourself questions such as "Am I at ease at this moment?" or "What thoughts are my mind producing?" If you detect unease or background static see in what way you are avoiding or resisting life by not living in the now or constantly thinking of the past or present and not focusing on what is happening in the present. The book goes over a lot of things and not just negative thoughts, but also being mindful and not judging people. After reading this book and having tried Kava I really think the two can go hand in hand. Compulsive thinking is an addiction for a lot of people and people with anxiety have it even worse. I really think Kava's ability to eliminate background static and changing how you think through the techniques in this book can cure a lot of peoples compulsive thinking. Anyone read the book or have any thoughts?
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