The thing about living in the present and intoxicating substances is a point that Eckhart brings up often in his books and videos. I have been immersed in Advaita Vedenta/Self inquiry now for nearly a decade. It is often referred to as the most direct path in spirituality and also the most challenging. Eckharts realization was definitely inspired by the Great Sages including Ramana Maharshi who I feel has a much more in depth over standing. Eckharts writings are a good introductory though. The key is basically not to turn the teachings in to an intellectual understanding but to move into an actual experiential realization. Now to Kava and Self Awareness or living in the present moment. While intoxicating drugs do seem to help one be more present in the moment the effects are actually not conducive to Self Realization. This is because when under the influence of any substance you are actually descending below thought into a more animal or vegetative state as opposed to transcending thought or rising above it. This is a point Eckhart and many sages stress. If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask.
I wouldn't necessarily agree with this. Intoxicating substances or "entheogens" as I prefer to call them, have been used in religious and shamanic contexts for thousands of years. Like anything in the physical world, there have both positive and negative effects. The key is to make the most of the posiitive effects and avoid the negative as much as possible though wise use.
Contrary to how you are making it sound, there is more than one way to progress spiritually. I have great respect for Ramana Maharshi and advaita vendanta but I have also studied many other teachings and I practice both self inquiry along with the path of devotion to God which incidentally, is what Ramana Maharhsi recommended (I mean he recommended one follow both paths simultaneously, not saying he recommended devotion over self inquiry). I have found certain entheogenic substances to be invaluable for contacting God and showing me the areas in my body and mind where I am resisting the work God is trying to do in me. Entheogenic induced insights, have helped me to deconstruct the psychological self, thus resulting in increased awareness of my true being. I can't speak for other people, and its certainly true that intoxicating substances can be a hindrance and distraction for many. But God put them here for a reason, I see them as medicine and kava has been an important part of my spiritual and healing path. it has freed me from many destructive and fear based thought patterns and supplied me with a lot of positive energy. Another benefit of entheogens is they can supply energy to the mentally drained. People who ordinarily lack the energy or will to even do self inquiry, can find themselves suddenly spiritually inspired after the right variety of mushroom for example. There is a lot more I could say about entheogens, spirituality, holy communion and shamanic journeying but I'll leave it at that for now.
Kava is also unique in that one's mind actually remains quite clear under its influence. Its not like opium where the mind goes to sleep and lacks awareness.