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Kava For Fibro Pain

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Kava Enthusiast
I'm going to be ordering Kava for the first time in a few days, and I need some advice. I have constant fibromyalgia pain and frequent migraines. I need something that is good for pain relief, but something that isn't too sedating. I work from home and have a 2 year old. I know the heavier strains are usually considered the best for pain relief, but can anyone recommend one I can drink during the day and be able to function? I'd also like to know your opinions on micronized vs. traditional. Micronized seems much easier to prepare.

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
Borogoru is my favorite for pain. However, it is sedating. Loa Waka from Kalm with Kava has been my favorite day time kava that helps with pain relief. I add some Borogoru to it because the Loa Waka only helps some. Just add a small amount of Borogoru during the day. The Loa Waka can be too stimulating for some people so the Borogoru makes it perfect for me.


Kava Enthusiast
Thank you. Kalm with Kava seems to be a highly reccomended company. I may start with the Loa Waka and go from there, since my budget is pretty tight. I also have a lot of fatigue, so something stimulating would be great. Would you recommend the micronized or the traditional? I like the convenience of the micronized, but I wonder if it is as strong as the original.

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
I like micronized the most and use it most often because it is easy and strong. I think it is just as strong as the medium grind personally. However, the most cost effective is medium grind. I find it worth the extra money for the convenience of micro. I use medium grind with the Aluball sometimes with the kavas that don't have micro versions or just to save money. Traditional prep is not for me, but many others like it.


Kava Enthusiast
I love the idea of the traditional preperation. I would probably really enjoy it if I had the time, but in my day to day reality, micronized is probably the best option. I've read some suggestions about using coconut or soy milk for Kava. With the micronized does it make any difference what you use? Water, juice coconut milk?


Kava Enthusiast
How long does a 2oz container of the micronized usually last? I need enough to last me a few weeks (next paycheck), but I don't want to go overboard till I see how I like it.

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
Chocolate almond milk and kava are amazing together. For me, it makes the kava more effective and I use less kava because of the fatty substance does something...I don't remember, but it works better for me. I think @Edward may be able to explain that better than my technical mumbo jumbo here.


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah I think I read somewhere that the fat content helps to extract the kavalcones. I've never tried it before, unless you count the Yogi Kava. Which from my understanding is about like drinking ginger ale and expecting the same benefits you would get from ginger tea. So hopefully I will be a lightweight and get awesome effects.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Water is the only important part. Juice, milk, etc, are for taste
Chocolate almond milk and kava are amazing together. For me, it makes the kava more effective and I use less kava because of the fatty substance does something...I don't remember, but it works better for me. I think @Edward may be able to explain that better than my technical mumbo jumbo here.
I wouldn't say that milk or any other fat bearing liquid helps with the extraction of kavalactones but that it helps my body to use the kava more effectively. If I drink with plain water I can wake up in the morning and feel uncomfortable because I still have too much kava floating around in my system. I can actually drink milk in the morning and get a massive kava rush which can be quite unnerving particularly if I am driving. When I drink with part or all milk I find I need less kava to do the same job and it seems to heighten the effects on the evening of drinking. Depending on the kava I find it helps to bring out the muscle relaxing effects quite well.

@chandra 2oz would last me a couple of days but everyone is different.
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