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I Love Kava Friday Friday!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It's the magical day of the week. I must apologize for my absence of posts or responses, but I've been dropping in frequently checking in. I'll be back in full Kapm mode shortly. Life picked up pace a little too quickly.

Hope everyone here is doing fantastically, and I hope you all have an awesome weekend.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
In kava news, I did a traditional knead of 40 grams GHK boroguru in hot...and I mean HOT water (hot enough that I yelled for a bit there) and kneaded for 4 minutes (only 4 minutes!). I literally had to press my palm to my forehead to keep my eyes from crossing. It was that strong. Haven't had kava hit me like that in months.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
I never had my eyes cross from too much kava untill a few weeks ago. From squanchs waka. It was the weirdest thing in the world but fun lol.
Hasn't happened since but for like 3 days straight it kept happening haha


Kava Vendor
I never had my eyes cross from too much kava untill a few weeks ago. From squanchs waka. It was the weirdest thing in the world but fun lol.
Hasn't happened since but for like 3 days straight it kept happening haha
That happened to me at a kava circle with some of my hippy friends. I really overdid it, like 15+ shells, I stopped counting. If I closed each eye independently they worked perfectly on their own. If I opened both my vision was blurred bad. Crazy. Kava Kameleon Eyes


Kava Enthusiast
That happened to me at a kava circle with some of my hippy friends. I really overdid it, like 15+ shells, I stopped counting. If I closed each eye independently they worked perfectly on their own. If I opened both my vision was blurred bad. Crazy. Kava Kameleon Eyes
FIFTEEN???? Holy COW. That's a lotta kava. :)

I've gotten the ozone-eyes from too much kava too. It's very wierd. I think what really happens is that your
eye-control muscles get so relaxed that they can't both move together in sync and you get double vision.

At that point I fumble around to put in my ear buds, put on some something ethereal, close my
eyes, and float with the cosmos. Not much else you can do, really.


Kava Enthusiast
I've been interviewing folks to replace my boss this week. Ya, really fun.

Tonight I'm gonna mow the lawn after work, wash the hawg, drink many shells (NOT 15!!) of TradPrep GHK Papa Kea,
and enjoy the setting sun. Been a long week, and this is gonna be one fine way to end it.